Chapter 9: Father Issues!

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Real World!
     Stella walked up to the well and met Peter there. She wore a beautiful, but casual, wedding dress. Olivia was the minister, she got ordained online. Their ghost friends were there too. "Stella, you can start the vows." Olivia told her. "Peter, I remember when we met. We didn't get along right away. There were some, unusal circumstances. But it didn't take long for us to get close. We made a good team, and we stopped the Red Lady together. I'm the writer and your the artist. I knew the moment I was going to leave the school to escape, I didn't want to. Because I didn't want to leave you. I just wanted you, and I will loce you for the rest of my undead life." Stella explained and Peter smiled. "Stella, I remember our first meeting too. I ran into you and we got lost into each others eyes. But then I got mad that you made me get caught, but it wasn't your fault. I was a rebellious teen who couldn't stand the principal. I knew something was off with her, and you're the only one who believed me. Other then our friends. But we worked together, and it was great. We were a duo, and still are. I will love you for the rest of my undead life." Peter explained and Stella smiled. Stella put a ring on his finger and Peter put a ring on her finger. "You may not kiss the brid." Olivia told them. Peter pulled her close and they kissed passionately.
     Christopher finished making lunch. He made grill cheeses for him and Vampiris. He was waiting for Christy to come and watch her, so he can go to work. The door opened and he walked over, but frowned when it was his father in law rather then his sister. "What do you want, Gold?" Christopher asked. "To see my daughter." Mr. Gold replied. "She's not here." Daisy replied. "The library's closed, so where could she be?" Mr. Gold asked and Christopher shrugged. "I honestly don't know." Christopher replied and Mr. Gold sighed. "Tell her I'm looking for her." Mr. Gold told him and he shook his head. "I will not." Christopher told him. "Why?" Mr. Gold asked. "Because you worked with Amara to kidnap and take Daisy and our friends powers." Christopher replied. "It was a mistake." Mr. Gold told him. "Once or twice is a mistake, doing it repeatedly is a mission." Christopher told him and Mr. Gold rolled his eyes. "I never did like you." Mr. Gold told him. "Feelings mutual." Christopher agreed. Mr. Gold sighed and left just as Christy walked in. "Is everything okay?" Christy asked and Christopher nodded. "Yeah. Lunch is ready and Vampiris is upstairs." Christopher replied. "Okay." Christy agreed. Christopher waved to her and left.

     Draculaura sighed. She was stuck in the Dungeon of Elizabat's palace. She hoped Clawd would see the the text. Alric, Elizabat's most trusted advisor and guard, was working with Stoker, her uncle and worst enemy. Draculaura knew something was wrong with him, she just knew it. She should have listened to her gut, and none of this would have happened. Elizabat's missing. She's trapped in a cage. Clawd is probably still asleep and clueless, unless Alaric gets to him first and lock him up as well. Then they all really will be doomed. Draculaura couldn't just sit around and wait for Clawd to save her, she had to figure something out and get out herself. But the problem was, she didn't know how. She stood up and walked closer to the metal door. There was a passcode and a lock. It's not like there were bars she could measel her way out of. This was different and a lot more difficult. Better to keep villains in, but terrible when they try to keep you in. Her heart pounded as she looked out of the glass window. Glass window. That was it. She took off her jacket and wrapped it around her hand. She took a deep breathe and punched it through the glass.
      Clawd jumped and opened his eyes when he heard pounding on the door. His iCoffin flashed and he looked at it. "Mr. Wolf!" Alaric called. He had a text from Draculaura. He was on his way to answer the door as he read the text. He stopped when he saw what the text said. Alaric. He's working with Stoker, and Draculaura could be in trouble. He put his phone in his pocket and looked at the door. It was locked, that's why Alaric hadn't gotten through yet, but that won't hold him for long. He had to escape some how. To get away. He ran over to te balcony and closed the doors behind him, and locked them. He leaned against the railing and looked around. He was too high up to jump, as agile as he is, he couldn't risk it. He turned around and looked up the palace walls. There were things he could use as footing to step on. He started climbing up just as Alaric made his way in the room. He looked around and groaned.

Real World!
     Daisy walked up the steps of the mayor's mansion and knocked. Elizabeth, also known as Elizabat, answered and smiled at her oldest friend. "Hey, it's been awhile." Elizabeth commented and Daisy sighed. "I know, and I'm sorry about that. I've just been really busy, with everything going on." Daisy told her and Elizabeth nodded. "I know, Daisy. What brings you by?" Elizabeth asked. "I wish I was here socially, but I'm here about Stoker." Daisy replied and Elizabeth sighed. "Yeah. I asked your father for a protection potion, but he refused." Elizabeth told her and she rolled her eyes. "Of course he did." Daisy commented. "Don't worry about it, Daisy. I can protect myself anyways, that was just extra protection." Elizabeth told her and she nodded. "We have to do something about him, and about Valentine. I had a premonition, of what they're going to do to the town and my family. They want to mentally torment me before ending me. Stoker probably also wants revenge on you." Daisy explained. "We will work together. I'm the mayor, and I want to protect this town and my people." Elizabeth told her. "I'm in." Elizabeth agreed.
     Daisy walked into her house and saw Vampiris playing with her dolls and dollhouse in the living room. Daisy smiled at her dad and looked up at Christy, who sat on the couch. Christy turned off the TV and stood up. "Hey." Christy greeted as she walked over an gave her a hug. "Hey, Christy. Babysitting Vampiris?" Daisy asked. "Yeah, Chris is at work." Christy replied. "Are you and Beowulf still coming for dinner tomorrow night?" Daisy asked and Christy smiled. "Of course." Christy replied. "Do you want to stay?" Daisy asked. "I would like to, but I can't. I have somewhere I need to be." Christy replied and Daisy nodded. "Okay." Daisy agreed. They hugged and Christy left. Daisy knelt down next to Vampiris. "Hey, sweetheart. You want a snack?" Daisy asked. "Yes, mommy." Vampiris replied and Daisy grinned. "I'll make some cookies." Daisy told her. She gave her daughter a kiss on the head and walked into the kitchen.

     Elizabat explained everything to the Vampire Council.  "We must stop Stoker, before it is too late." The leader commented and they all nodded. "Stoker can be anywhere, he was following me, but I lost him." Elizabat told them. "Are you sure, Queen Elizabat?" The female asked and she sighed. "Yes. Besides, Stoker isn't stupid enough to come here." Elizabat replied and one of them nodded. "She has a point." The other member agreed. "But Draculaura ans Clawd are at my palace now, and I'm starting to suspect there nay be inside help, and if so then they are in danger. Especially if Stoker heads there now." Elizabat told them. There was a moment of silence as they all thought about it. "You are right, your majesty." The leader told me and I smiled. So, you'll help me?" Elizabat asked. "From the previous Lord Stoker? Of course your majesty." The leader replied and Elizabat grinned. "Then we must go, now. I will not lose my best friend, not again." Elizabat told them and they nodded. "We will follow you, your majesty." The other male member commented. Elizabat turned into a bat and the council members did as well. They flew out of the house and toward the palace.
      Draculaura had just punched the glass window in the metal door. She had her jacket wrapped around her hand, so it wasn't too bad. She put her jacket down and reached her hand through and toward the keypad. She had no idea what the passcode is, she doesn't know much about Alaric. But this is Elizbat's, and she does know her. She knew just what Elizabat would put as the passcode, Draculaura typed in Hauntlywood. Because Elizabat hid from Stoker in Hauntlywood as a Boovie Star for four centuries. The keypad turned green as a sound was heard. Draculaura took her hand out of the window as the metal door slid open. Draculaura smiled as she ran out of the cage. She ran up the stairs and slowly and cautiously opened the door. She peeked outside, and didn't see anyone. She took a deep breathe and walked out.

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