Chapter 7: Premonition Part 1!

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Real World!
     Daisy looked out her bedroom window. She wore her nightgown and her hair was in a bun. It was past midnight, and she couldn't seem to sleep. She had too much on her mind. With Valentine and Lord Stoker on the lose. She was terrified. Two people who want revenge on Daisy. She's worried for her husband, daughter, and unborn child. She looked down as tears formed in her eyes and put her hand ontop her small belly bump. A tear escaped her eye and she wiped it away as she looked back out the window at the night sky. The stars sparkled and she gave a small smile. She knew she didn't need to worry. She just had to believe in herself, believe that she can save her family and friends. She saw a figure in the dark as her heart pounded. "Daisy." Christopher commented. She turned to see his eyes slowly up. His arm felt the empty spot on the bed, noticing that she was missing. She turned back to the window and saw the figure was gone. She heard Christopher sit up and turned to face him. "Hey." Daisy greeted. "Are you okay?" Christopher asked. Daisy sat next to him on the bed as he put his arm around her and pulled her close. "I will be." Daisy replied. She rested her head on him as they both laid down.
    Daisy opened her eyes and screamed. She wasn't in her room. She had woken up in the woods. She slowly stood up and looked around. She didn't see anyone. She looked down and saw black sunglasses. She picked them up and examined it. She gasped as she starred at it. She knew where this came from. It belonged to Valentine. The sunglasses told him when her heart was almost gone. If Valentine really is working with Stoker, that means they'd be close. But how did she get here? She saw something glowing and looked down. It was a red gem. She picked it up and knew exactly where it came from. Stoker use to wear this on his suit. She heard a loud commotion and dropped the sunglasses and gem. She ran tiward the town and stopped in her tracks as she saw what was going on. Fire burning in so many different places. Monsters running for their lives and screaming. Her heart pounded. Her eyes landed on her husband and daughter as they ran inside her fathers shop. She gasped when she saw Stoker lighting Mr. Gold's shop on fire. "No!" Daisy yelled. Daisy's eyes shot open and she gasped as she sat up. She saw she was in her bed. It was just a dream. More like a nightmare. Her heart slowed as she sighed.

     School was over and Gigi walked out of her final class. Frankie walked up to her. "Hey, wanna head to the coffee bean?" Frankie asked. "I can't, I'm having dinner with Whisp and Valentine." Gigi replied and Frankie smiled. "That sounds nice." Frankie commented and I nodded. "Yeah, I hope Whisp is right about him." Gigi told her. "I'm sure she is, Gigi. Valentine might be good now." Frankie told her and Gigi sighed. "I just keep thinking about what Cleo said. She's right, Valentine has been doing this for centuries and centuries. Someone who's been evil that long doesn't just wake up one day amd decide to be good." Gigi told her. "You may have a point. Just ask him a few questions, without being obvious that you don't trust him." Frankie suggested. "I think I'll do just that." Gigi agreed.
    Gigi appeared in Whisps lantern and saw her setting the table. She smelled something very delicious. "That smells amazing." Gigi commented and Whisp smiled. "Thanks." Whisp commented. "Where's Valentine?" Gigi asked. "I'm about to leave to bring him, once I finish here." Whisp replied. "I'll finish." Gigi suggested. "Really?" Whisp asked and Gigi nodded. "Sure, you go bring him here." Gigi replied. She smiled and disappeared in a cloud of grey smoke. Gigi put the food from the kitchen on the dinning room table and made sure there were three spots. Gigi, Whisp, and Valentine. Whisp and Valentine appeared and Gigi waved at them. "Gigi, this is Valentine. Val, this is my sister, Gigi." Whisp introduced. She walked over to him and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you." Gigi told him. "Nice to meet you too. I am so happy to finally meet you." Valentine told her. "You are?" Gigi asked and he nodded. "Of course. Whisp has told me so much about you." Valentine replied. Gigi looked over at her sister and Whisp blushed. "Let's enjoy the meal." Whisp suggested and they all sat down at the table.

Real World!
     Daisy sighed as she walked into the library. She turned on the lights and began putting some books away. She heard someone walking in and walked out from behind a book shelf. She saw Candace with her one year old son, Asim. "Hey." Daisy greeted. She walked over and gave her friend a hug. She smiled and waved at Asim as he waved back. "I just wanted to check in and see how you're doing." Candace told her and she sighed. "I'm not doing so good. The thought of Valentine and Stoker being on the lose, probably plotting their revenge on me." Daisy told her. "Yeah, that's not our best day." Candace agreed and Daisy laughed. "Thanks, I needed that." Daisy commented. "Dale and I are throwing a party tomorrow, and you should be there. Chris and Vampiris as well." Candace told her. "What is the party for?" Daisy asked. "No reason, we just thought this town could use it. Ali said we can host it at Abominably Amazing." Candace replied and Daisy smiled. "We'll be there." Daisy agreed.
     Daisy and Candace were talking in the library. Asim had fallen asleep in the back room. The door opened and Daisy looked up, she sighed when she saw it was her father. She's still mad at him for working with Amara. She doesn't usually hold grudges, but she's never felt so betrayed before. "What do you want, dad?" Daisy asked. "To see you, of course. You haven't been around much lately." Mr. Gold replied. "You know why that is." Daisy told him and he sighed. "I said I was sorry, my little bat." Mr. Gold told her. "That won't work this time. I forgave you for trying to break me and Chris up. I forgave you for being mean to my non vampire friends. I even forgave you for cursing all of Monster kind. But I cannot forgive you for working with my enemy to destroy me and my friends. That crosses the line." Daisy explained. "But Daisy." Mr. Gold commented. "But nothing. You should go." Daisy told him. Mr. Gold sighed and walked out. "Are you okay?" Candace asked. "No. First the nightmare, and then this." Daisy replied and Mr. Gold walked back in. "What nightmare?" Mr. Gold asked and Daisy sighed. Candace glared at him and was about to say something when Daiay stopped her. "That Valentine and Stoker were going to destroy the town and everyone in it." Daisy replied. "I don't think that's just any nightmare." Mr. Gold told her. "Then what was it?" Candace asked. "I think it was a premonition." Mr. Gold replied and Daisy gasped.

     Gigi looked at Valentine. She knew she had to question him, but she didn't want to seem obvious. So she decided to start with a few simple questions. "So, how old are you?" Gigi asked. "2023." Valentine replied. "But he's almost 2024." Whisp added and they both smiled at one another as Gigi sighed. "How is it being alive for all that time?" Gigi asked. "I love it. You get to see the centuries change and you get to see first hand the world evolving." Valentine replied. "I wish I could. That sounds fascinating." Whisp commented. "Oh, it is." Valentine agreed. "What did you do 2,000 years ago?" Gigi asked. "Not much, really. Mostly traveled around the world." Valentine replied and Gigi nodded. "I'm going to go get desert." Whisp told them. She got up and went into the kitchen as Gigi eyed Valentine. "Have you really changed?" Gigi asked and Valentine sighed. "Yes, I'm trying to be better." Valentine replied. "Were you evil your entire life?" Gigi asked. "Most of it." Valentine replied. "Them how can you just jump to being good?" Gigi asked. "I don't know yet, but Whisp's support has been really helpful." Valentine replied. "And are you planning on hurting my sister? Is your friendship with her true?" Gigi asked. "Always. I really care about her, and would never ever hurt her." Valentine replied and Gigi nodded. Whisp walked in and placed a plate of cookies on the table.
    Gigi had went back to Monster High. Valentine helped Whisp clean up. "You don't have to do this." Whisp told him. "I don't mind." Valentine told her and shr smiled. She watched him walk into the kitchen and frowned. She has to ask him. He walked back at her and they starred at one another for a moment. "Why was Gigi asking you all those questions?" Whisp asked and he sighed. She overheard her, but didn't want to say anything and ruin dinner. "You heard?" Valentine asked and she nodded. "Yes." Whisp replied. "She wanted to make sure I really have changed, that I won't hurt you." Valentine replied. "Why did she think you would?" Whisp asked and Valentine shrugged. "My guess is she heard stories from her friends at Monster High." Valentine replied and Whisp sighed. "You won't hurt me, I trust you." Whisp told her and he smiled.

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