Chapter 13: Old Nemesis!

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Real World!
      Daisy walked downstairs as she held the protection potion in her hand and examined it. She knew this was the only way. Valentine and Stoker would come for her, and she knew tbat, and that fact alone would put her family in danger. She held her baby bump with her free hand and sighed as she shook her head. She needs to relax, this stress isn't good for her unborn child. Daisy opened the front door and gasped. It was Valentine. He smirked and waved to her. "Been a long time." Valentine commented. Daisy quickly closed and locked the door. She took a deep breathe and turned around, only to jump when she saw Stoker. "Draculaura. Good to see you." Stoker commented. She turned and saw Valentine fly in from the kitchen window and turned into his vampire form next to Stoker. Daisy's heart pounded fast as she backed up until she hit her back against the door. "What do you want?" Daisy asked. "You, of course." Stoker replied. "You got what you deserve, and revenge on me won't make you feel better." Daisy told them and Valentine chuckled. "Oh, but it will." Valentine told her. "But we're going to be smarter this time." Stoker added. "Smarter? Smarter how? By working together to go after me?" Daisy asked. "By going after everyone around you first, and then you. We've been watching you, and we know what's in you our heart." Stoker replied and tears formed in Daisy's eyes. Stoker turned into a bat and flew away. "See you soon." Valentine commented. He smirked and flew away too, following Stoker.
       Christy walked down the hall of the Hospital and saw Cody. "Hi, Cody." Christy greeted. "Hey, Christy. May I help you?" Cody asked. "Yeah, I have an appointment." Christy replied. Christy looks theough a list he held in his hand and pounted to a to a part of the paper. "I see it. Go to room 203 and Rachel will meet you in there." Cody told her and she nodded. "Thanks." Christy commented. She walked past him and kept walking until she found room 203. She slowly walked in and sighed as she sat on the bed. She's terrified that she might be pregnant. She's been sick for the past week. She's not ready to be a mom, or marriage. She loves Beowulf, but she's not ready to marry him. She doesn't know what she'll do if she is pregnant, but she shouldn't get over her head until she knows for sure. She heard footsteps and looked up to see Rachel walking in. "So, you think you might be pregnant?" Rachel asked. "It's just a thought." Christy replied. "Let's take a look. Lift up your shirt." Rachel told her and she did. Rachel put on the cold gel and began as they looked at the monitor. "So?" Christy asked. "You're not pregnant." Rachel replied as she took a napkin and handed it to Christy as she wiped the gell off of her stomach and sat up. "I'm not?" Christy asked and Rachel shook her head. "No." Rachel replied. "But I've been sick for the past week." Christy commented. "It's probably nothing, but I can run a few more tests if you'd like." Rachel suggested and Christy nodded. "Okay." Christy agreed.

     Draculaura walked into her room and turned on the light. She gasped when she saw Stoker sitting on her bed. "Alaric told me you escaped from the dungeon. I was so disappointed, I would have loved to see you locked up in a cage." Stoker told her with a smirk as he stood up. Draculaura tried to open the door, but he ran up to her and forced to shut again. Draculaura backed away and Stoker laughed as he locked the door and turned to face her. "You're weak, and pathetic." Stoker told her. "I was strong enough to defeat you." Draculaura told him. He kept walking closer to her as she backed away until her back was against the wall. "You got lucky." Stoker told her. He got closer to her, inches from her as her heart pounded in her chest. "I'm tired of everyone telling me how weak I am." Draculaura told him as she glared at him. She punched him in the face and looked down at her fist. That surprised her. She pushed him out of the way and ran to the bedroom door. She unlocked it and kept running. She ran down a few halls and up some stairs. She ran up to a trap door and walked up, entering the huge attic. She closed it and struggled, but managed, to move a big dresser on top of the trap door. She sighed as she sat down, her back against the dresser. She put her hand on her chest, feeling her beating her heart, and calmed down.
        Clawd, Elizabat, and the Council walked down to the dungeon. "This placs gives me the creeps." Clawd commented. "Yeah, that's the point." Elizabat agreed and Clawd sighed. "I just hope Draculaura's okay." Clawd commented. They looked around and saw a cage door open. "That's the cage that Stoker was in, and I think Draculaura was in it too." Elizabat told them as she walked inside, with Clawd by her side. The council followed them in. Clawd bent down and picked up Draculaura's jacket. "Yeah, she was definitely in here." Clawd agreed. They heard a click and turned around and saw the metal door close, causing them all to gasp. Elizabat walked up and looked through the little, window that had unbreakable glass. She saw Alaric standing there, with a smirk. "Why Alaric?" Elizabat asked. "Because he's my father, cousin." Alaric replied and Elizabat gasped. "Since when?" Clawd asked. "Since always." Alaric replied. "Why didn't you tell me?" Elizabat asked. "Because I didn't think you'd trust me." Alaric replied. "I wouldn't have judged you on you father, even though it seems to be pretty accurate." Elizabat replied and Alaric chuckled. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Alaric commented and Elizabat shook her head. "Sometimes it does. Just look at Draculaura and her father." Elizabat told him and he nodded. "Fair enough." Alaric agreed. "So, let me get this straight. You worked to gain my trust and rescue Stoker, and do what?" Elizabat asked. "Take over all of Vampire kind. Vampires will be superior." Alaric replied and Elizabat shook her head. "No. I will not let that happen." Elizabat told him and he laughed.

Real World! 
      Christy got out of her car and up to her fashion company early in the morning. She unlocked the door and walked in, turning on the lights. She cleaned up a bit when the work began reading. She answered the phone. "This is Christy, how may I help you?" Christy asked. "It's Cody, and I am holding the file for the rest of your test results." Cody replied. "What does it say?" Christy asked. "I think you're just sick." Cody replied and Christy nodded. "I am feeling better, so that makes since." Christy agreed. "That's good." Cody commented. "So, there's nothing unusual with my test results?" Christy asked and Cody sighed. "I didn't say that." Cody replied. "What did you find?" Cody asked. "Maybe you should come in and we can talk face to face." Cody suggested. "Yeah, yeah. I'm on my way." Christy told him and she hung up. Jennifer walked in and Christy looked up. "Is everything okay?" Jennifer asked. "We'll see. But I need you and Sheri to watch the place for the next hour." Christy replied and Jennifer nodded. "Of course." Jennifer agreed. Christy grabbed her jacket and walked out.
      Christopher walked into the house and saw Daisy on the couch, crying. He ran up to her and bent down, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Are you okay? What happened?" Christopher asked and Daisy sighed. "Valentine and Stoker visited me." Daisy replied and Christopher gasped. "Did they hurt you?" Christopher asked and Daisy shook her head. "They just talked to me, threatening me." Daisy replied. "How did they threaten you?" Christopher asked. "They're going after my heart." Daisy replied. "Like what Valentine tried to do to you in High School?" Christopher asked and Daisy shook her head. "This time, it's figuratively. They want to torment me by going after everyone I love first, and then killing me when I feel like nothing. That means you, Vampiris, and all my friends." Daisy replied. "We can stop them, together." Christopher told her as he took her hand and she smiled at him. "I love you so much." Daisy told him. "I love you too." Christopher agreed. He stood up and kissed her forehead.

      Alaric starred at Elizabat. "You think you can stop me and my father?" Alaric asked. "Maybe not alone. But lucky for me, I'll never be alone again." Elizabat replied. "Talking about Draculaura?" Alaric asked. "Yes, she's my best friend." Elizabat replied. "You'll never find her. If I know my father, he's already found her, and she doesn't stand a chance." Alaric told him. "She's stronger then most people think, she's stronger then she even knows. It's your father that I'm worried about." Elizabat told me and Alaric laughed. "You really believe Draculaura of all vampires, can stop the Lord Stoker?" Alaric asked and Clawd stepped forward. "With all my heart." Clawd replied and Alaric looked back at his cousin. "And you?" Alaric asked. "With all my heart." Elizabat replied. "You're under arrest." One council member told him and he laughed. "I'm really not." Alaric told him. He turned into a bat and flew around the room. He closed the windows and flew out the door. He turned back into a vampire and and closed and locked the door. Elizabat, Clawd, and the council ran to the door and tried to get out, but they failed.
     Draculaura paced in the attic. She stopped walking when she heard footsteps below her. Her heart pounded in her chest as her breathing quickened. She heard pounding on the trapdoor, but luckily the dresser was still on it. She jumped when she saw the dresser starting to tilt. It only got worst and worst as Draculaura walked backwards, until her back hit against the wall. Tears formed in her eyes. The dresser fell to its side as Draculaura jumped. The trap door busted open and Stoker walked up. "You really thought you could keep me out? You really are naive, Draculaura." Alaric commented and Draculaura shook her head. "No, I'm just optimistic." Draculaura told him. "There's not a difference." Stoker told her. "Yes, Stoker. There is, and I refuse to be afraid of you." Draculaura told him as she took a step forward. "But you are, aren't you?" Stoker asked as he walked up to her. They were only inches apart. "Yes, but I won't let that fear take over. Not for you, not for anyone." Draculaura replied and Stoker smirked. "Pretending to be brave won't save you from me." Stoker told her. "I'm not brave, but I'm strong willed, and that makes up for it." Draculaura told him. She punched him in the face, surprising him. Then she turned into a bat and flew out of the trap door. Stoker turned into a bat and started following her.

Once Upon A Monster 7!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن