Chapter 25: Life in Storybook Part 1!

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Real World!
      Stella's eyes opened when she heard crying. She groaned as she looked over and saw Peter was still asleep She stood up and put on her robe before exiting her bedroom. She walked into the nursery and picking up her crying son. "Hi, baby. Hey, Specter. It's alright. Momma's here." Spectra commented. She left the nursery and made her way downstairs. She put him in the playpen and walked into the kitchen as she started making his bottle. She walked back over and leaned over the playpen as she gave him his bottle. She stood back up and felt her husbands hands around her waist as she smiled. "Have you made breakfast yet, or do you want me to make it?" Peter asked and groaned. "I do not want to cook." Stella replied. "You mean you can't cook." Peter corrected with a smirk. She turned around and faced him. "Hey!" Stella exclaimed and he laughed. "I'm just saying." Peter told her. "How about Abominably Amazing?" Stella asked. "Sounds good." Peter replied. "You get Specter ready, I'm going to get dressed." Stella told him and walked upstairs.
      Rachel paced as she waited for her friends. The door opened as Veronica, Rhonda, and Cody walked in. Rhonda and Cody held hands. "Rachel? Are you alright?" Rhonda asked and she shook her head. "No, I'm not." Rachel replied. "You look frantic. You aren't usually frantic." Cody commented. "I am quite aware of that." Rachel told her. Veronica sighed and grabbed ahold of her arms, forcing her to face her. "Calm down. You are the level headed one in this group and I am the hot headed one. I don't think we can handle a role reversal. Now I'm going to give you the advice you always give me. Take a deep breath and talk to your friends." Veronica explained. Rachel nodded and took a deep breath. "Feel better?" Rhonda asked. "Much." Rachel replied. Veronica led her to the couch and they sat down. "What's going on, sweetie?" Rhonda asked. "I found an engagement ring. In Greg's coat pocket." Rachel replied. "Isn't that what you want? To marry him?" Cody asked. "It was. When I was eighteen." Rachel replied. "A lot has changed since your divorce." Veronica told her and Rachel nodded as tears filled her eyes. "Greg and I have been in love since we were fourteen years old. We got engaged at sixteen and married at eighteen. We loved each other, but we didn't get married for the right reason. Marriage is only for when you're in love, and when you're ready. We weren't ready, we were just afraid of losing one another." Rachel explained. "We know, honey." Rhonda commented as she put her arm around her friends shoulders. "That's why your marriage didn't work. Not because neither of you were in love, but because you weren't ready. You both had a lot of soul searching. Time apart made you both realize how much you guys care about one another. You found yourselves separately, now it's time to find yourselves as a couple." Cody told her and she sighed. "But a lot has changed. I love him, and I want to be with him for the rest of my life.... But I don't know if I want to get married anymore." Rachel told them and they hugged her.
     Olivia was at the music store that she owns. Johnny and Hector works for her. Johnny is her boyfriend. She was currently the only one there. She put some music records up where they belong when Johnny walked in. She looked over and smiled at him as he walked up to her. "I woke up and you were gone." Johnny commented. "Yeah, I had stuff to do." Olivia told him. She leaned in and kissed him. "What do you need done?" Johnny asked. "I have a shipment of records that just came in, that need to be put up." Olivia replied and he nodded. "On it." Johnny agreed. "Have you seen Stella this morning?" Stella asked. "Um, no. Why?" Johnny asked and she shook her head. "Nothing. She hasn't answered my calls this morning." Stella replied. "I'm sure she's okay." Johnny told her as he began putting up records. "Yeah, me too." Olivia agreed. "Stop worrying. That's Stella's thing, not yours." Johnny told her with a smile and she laughed. "Get to work." Olivia told him and he laughed. "I am working, I can multitask." Johnny told her. "Yeah, yeah." Olivia agreed. "Why are you looking for her anyways?" Johnny asked. "We need to talk. Girl stuff." Olivia replied and he nodded.
     Clorissa walked into her house. "Hey, sweetheart." Merlin greeted. "Hey, baby." Clorissa greeted. She walked up and gave him a kiss. "How's your cousin?" Merlin asked. "She's good." Clorissa replied. He stood up and pulled her close. "I...." Merlin commented. "What?" Clorissa. aske. He sighed and shook his head as he walked away. She followed him into their bedroom and crossed her arms. "It's not nothing, Merlin. What's going on?" Clorissa asked. "I was going to talk to you about something." Merlin replied. "Why change your mind?" Clorissa asked. "Because.... You're not ready." Merlin replied and she uncrossed her arms. "What makes you think that?" Clorissa asked. There was a moment of silence. "Because our journey to where we are now hasn't been easy. We've had a difficult path." Merlin replied and she scuffed. "So? Merlin.... Look at this town, and all everyone has been through. Look at Daisy and Christopher. They've been through more then anyone else, and they are still together and as happy as can be. They never stop fighting and they never stop living." Clorissa replied. "When did you get so wise?" Merlin asked. "Look in the mirror." Clorissa replied. "I suppose you're right." Merlin agreed. "What is it?" Clorissa asked. "I was thinking.... We've been married for over a year now.... Maybe we should start trying to have a child." Merlin replied and Clorissa's eyes widened.

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