Chapter 23: Death's Door Part 2!

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Real World! 
       Daisy opened her eyes and looked around. She was back in the Monster Realm. She stood up as her heart pounded. "Christopher! Chris!" Daisy called. She stood up and starred up at her old High School. So many memories flashed in her mind at once. "Hello, darling." Someone greeted from behind. Daisy knew that voice anywhere. Her heart skipped a beat as she slowly turned around and locked eyes with her mother. "Mom." Daisy greeted. "I've missed you." Miranda told her. "I've missed you so much, mama." Daisy told her as they hugged and tears formed in her eyes. They pulled apart as they locked eyes. "It's okay, darling." Miranda told her as Daisy shook her head. "No, nothing's okay.... Mama, everything's a mess." Daisy told her. "But you have kept everyone together. You are the glue, and it appears that nothing has changed. You're the same as you always have been, but fiercer. You have obviously experienced much tragedy in  your life, but you have kept your compassion." Miranda explained. "How are you here, Mama? Am I.... Am I dead?" Daisy asked. "No, darling. You're just.... Unconscious." Miranda replied. Daisy remembered everything. "My baby! My child!" Daisy exclaimed as she held her stomach. "You went into labor, and I do not know if your child will survive this." Miranda told her. "My best friend and my child. I'm going to kill Valentine and Stoker for this!" Daisy exclaimed as magic left her fingers and surrounded her body. "Calm down, darling. This isn't you, and you will never forgive yourself." Miranda told her. Daisy calmed down as her magic disappeared. "You've gotten control of your magic. I have always believed in you, darling." Miranda told her. "I love seeing you and I've missed you so much. But I need to get home, to wake up. To my husband, my children, and my best friend." Daisy told her and Miranda nodded. "I know. Follow me." Miranda agreed. 
          Daisy and Miranda walked into Monster High. Daisy looked around the halls and spotted her old locker. Clawd use to help her reach it. She was always so tiny and her locker was so high up. She even remembered for her 1600th birthday he built her a step stool to help her. He meant well, and just wanted to show her that he listened. She soon learned that he was romantic, in his own way. There were so many memories in these halls. It feels like forever ago, yet again it feels like yesterday. "What are we doing here, mama?" Daisy asked. "This place was a big part of your life." Miranda replied and Daisy nodded. "Yeah, I guess it was." Daisy agreed as a small smile formed on her pink glossed lips. Miranda led Daisy into the Library. Her friends use to hang here every so often. She smiled as she spotted the table where her and her friends use to study at. This was where they would spend Study Hall in and after school, when they weren't at the Coffin Bean or shopping at the Maul. "You look like you're reminiscing." Miranda commented. "I am." Daisy agreed. "Your family needs you." Miranda told her and she sighed. "I know, and that's why I need to wake up." Daisy agreed. "But you're not ready, that's why I'm here." Miranda told her. "I don't understand, mama." Daisy told her. "Your husband and children need you." Miranda told her and tears formed in Daisy's eyes. "I know, but it's not just them." Daisy agreed. "Who else?" Miranda asked. "My friends. Lynda, Candace, Genny, and Francine. But especially my best friend, Christy.... My enemies took their problems with me out on her." Daisy replied as tears rolled down her cheeks. "How do you mean?" Miranda asked. "They kidnapped her, and threw her threw a-a window. Now she's in a coma, and it's all my fault." Daisy replied. Miranda shook her head and gave her daughter a hug. He pulled away from her and locked eyes with her. "It is not your fault, darling. Your enemies or not, it is their fault. I promise you that. Okay?" Miranda asked and she nodded. "Okay." Daisy replied. 

        Jane Boolittle walked down the halls of Monster High. She opened her locker and put some books in there. Andy walked down the stairs and watched as Jane closed and locked her locker. He gave a small smile as a Jane tipped her hair and turned around. He has had a thing for her since she arrived at the school a few months ago, but hasn't had the courage to go and talk to her. They have a lot in common. They both love the outside, nature, athletics, and animals. He took a deep breath and walked up to her. "Hey." Andy greeted. Jane smiled at him as she moved a lock of hair behind her ear. "Hi." Jane. greeted. "I'm Andy." Andy greeted as he held his hand. "Jane." Jane greeted as she shook his hand. There was a moment of awkward silence. "So, how are you liking Monster High so far?" Andy asked. "Different, but in a good way. I've been homeschooled my entire life." Jane replied. "So have I. Until last year, when I left my little Island and came here." Andy agreed. "It's so weird. Not being outside during school." Jane commented. "I know." Andy agreed. "This is nice.... Having someone whom understands." Jane told him and he nodded. "It is." Andy agreed. "I have to go see Headmistress Bloodgood. I'll see you around." Jane told him and he nodded. "Alright." Andy agreed as he watched her walk away.
       Jane walked into Headmistress Bloodgood's office. She usually knocks, but the door was already slightly ajar, which seemed odd. "Headmistress? Are you in here?" Jane asked she took a look around. Nightmare was also missing. Jane had a really bad feeling.  She heard a noise and turned around to see a man walking into the office. "Hello, young lady. I'm Richard." Richard greeted. "Hi." Jane greeted. "May I help you?" Richard asked. "I'm.... Looking for Headmistress Bloodgood." Jane replied. "She had to deal with.... Personal Business. Richard replied. "When will she be back?" Jane asked. "Hard to say. But I am filling in for her." Richard replied. "Oh." Jane commented. "Do you need something?" Richard asked and Jane shook her head. "No. I'll come back." Jane replied. "Have a nice day." Richard commented with a creepy smile. "You too." Jane agreed as she walked out. 

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