Chapter 26: Life in Storybook Part 2!

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Real World!
     Callie put her pink hair back into a ponytail. She put on her diamond earrings, while wearing her favorite blue dress. She had long pink nail and wore blue high heels. She put on makeup as well. She was all dressed up for this special day. She was going on a date with Phillip, and she had planned everything perfectly. She was nervous. Her heart pounded furiously in her chest. She was looking in a mirror on her bedroom wall. She picked up a necklace with a star on it, something Phillip gave to her years ago. When he did, he told her that she was his star. She smiled as she put it on. She heard the door open and shut downstairs. "Callie! I'm home!" Phillip called. She took deep breaths and walked downstairs. He saw all the candles and the dinner. "It looks amazing." Phillip commented. "Thanks." Callie commented. "Weren't we going to go out for dinner?" Phillip asked. "We were. But there's been a change of plans." Callie replied. He took off his jacket and put it on the coat rack. He then walked over and kissed her.
      Hanna was in her room, drawing while listening to music through her earbuds. Catherine was at her desk in the living room. Working on her latest novel on her laptop. She had her blonde hair tied up in a bun and wore her glasses. She had her tea next to her, like she always did. There was a knock on the door and took off her glasses. She stood up and answered it to see Tamara standing there. "Hi, ma'am." Tamara greeted and Catherine laughed as she let her in. "You've been my little sister's best friend since you were both little, I think you can call me Catherine by now." Catherine told her and Tamara smiled. "Okay." Tamara agreed as Catherine closed the front door. "I'm guessing you want to see Hanna?" Catherine asked. "You guessed right." Tamara replied. Catherine walked into her bedroom and Hanna took out her earbuds. "Tamara's here." Catherine told her before walking out. Hanna stood up and followed her. "Hey, girly." Hanna greeted. "Hey, girly." Tamara greeted. "I'm ready." Hanna told her. "Where are you girls headed?" Catherine asked. "We are planning something." Hanna replied as her and Tamara gave each other a look. "Is there something I should be worried about?" Catherine asked. "No." Tamara replied. Hanna took Tamara's hand as they left.
      In the hospital, there's a small section for animals, where the vets are. This is a small town, after all. It was late and Kelly had locked up. She was cleaning up for tomorrow. There was a knock on the glass door and she turned around to see Willow. She sighed as she unlocked and opened the door as Willow walked in. "Hey." Willow greeted. "We're closed." Kelly told her and Willow nodded. "I know." Willow agreed as she turned to face her. "Do you need something?" Kelly asked. "Yeah, to talk." Willow replied. "O-Okay." Kelly agreed. There was a moment of silence as Willow figured out what to say, or more accurately, how to say it. "I've made some mistakes recently. I had a.... Fling with a girl who was in a committed relationship. Now they're broken up and she's trying to get her ex girlfriend to forgive her.... And it's my fault, because I was upset. I couldn't be with the women I really wanted to be with." Willow explained. "Me?" Kelly asked and Willow nodded. "Yeah, you." Willow replied. "I mean, we had that fling. But I didn't think you actually liked me." Kelly told her. "I do like you, a lot. Do you? Like me?" Willow asked. "That question scares me." Kelly replied. "Why?" Willow asked. "Because the answer scares me a lot more." Kelly replied. "So?" Willow asked. "So.... I like you too." Kelly replied and Willow smiled. Willow leaned in, but Kelly pushed away. "What?" Willow asked. "I'm not out yet." Kelly replied. "I don't care." Willow replied. "You don't?" Kelly asked. "No. I just want you, and I'll support whenever you decide to come out." Willow replied. Kelly smiled and kissed her gently. 
      It was early in the morning. Ruby walked into Abominably Amazing. She didn't see Alison, but saw the waitress, Tara. She was the first one there. She sat down as she waited. She's meeting her best friends. They've been a close group since they went to Haunted High. "Ruby!" Victoria called. Ruby smiled as Victoria sat across from her booth. "How are you, matey?" Victoria asked and Ruby giggled. Victoria is a pirate ghost, after all. "I'm good." Ruby replied. "Have you ordered yet?" Victoria asked. "No, I was waiting for everyone to show up." Ruby replied and Victoria nodded. "Hey." Kelly greeted as she walked up and sat down next to Ruby. They didn't even hear her. She has always been really sneaky. "You're glowing." River commented. They could tell she was nervous as her face glowed pink. "I'm not, really." Kelly told them. "Come on, matey. Your face glows with your emotions." Victoria told her. "Hey, look. There's Stella and Peter." Kelly told them as the couple walked over and sat down. During the curse, when they had fake memories, Kelly and Peter were made to believe they were siblings. They became even closer because of it. "How's the baby boy?" Victoria asked. "He's amazing." Stella replied. Tara walked over. "What do you want?" Tara asked. Tara was never for kindness, and nothing's changed.
      Jade walked into the Animal Shelter. She is a jungle monster and can talk to animals. She can understand them and they can understand her. She opened a cabinet and took out several different types of food as she began feeding them all. She put the food back up when Albert walked in. He works there too. She was deep in her thoughts and didn't even hear him. "Hey." Albert greeted as he looked at some paperwork. Jade looked at him and gave him a small smile. "Hey." Jade greeted. "Has the shipment come in yet?" Albert asked. "I just came in, so no." Jade replied and he nodded. There was a moment of silence as he looked at the paperwork another moment. Then he put it down and flashed her a smile as she blushed. "Did you sleep well?" Albert asked as he looked at the animals in cages. They were all eating their breakfast. "I slept well." Jade replied. "Good. That's good." Albert commented. He turned around and faced her. They both smiled at one another. "What?" Jade asked. "Nothing." Albert replied as he shook his head. "What is it, Al?" Jade asked. He locked eyes with her and was mesmerized. She had a sparkle in her eyes and an innocence in her smile. "You have a beautiful smile." Albert told her and she blushed. "I do?" Jade asked. She was a very shy monster, and so was he. "Um, yeah." Albert replied. He walked into the back and she smiled.

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