Chapter 11: Moving In!

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Real World!
     Christy finished throwing up and sighed. She wiped her mouth and walked into the restroom. She washed her hands and splashed water on her face. She wiped it with a towel and sighed as she looked st her reflection in the mirror. She pulled her back and into a bun. She opened the mirror, to reveal a cabnet, and took out a pregnancy stick. She closed the mirror and took a deep breathe. She hasn't been feeling good, and she's terrified to be pregnant. She's not ready to be a mom, she's not even ready to take the next step and marry Beowulf. She cares for him, but she still hasn't told him that she loves him, and visa and versa. She's not ready for this. But she had to find out, she just needed to know. It was now or never.
    Olivia, also known as Operetta, walked into her boyfriend, Joseph's, also known as Johnny, apartment. "Hi, Joseph." Olivia greeted. "Hey, babe." Joseph greeted as he walked over to her and kissed her forehead. "I'm glad your here, because I don't want you to leave." Joseph told her and she pushed her eyebrows together. "What?" Olivia asked and he laughed. "That came out wrong. I want you to move in with me." Joseph replied and Olivia smiled. "Really?" Olivia asked. "Yeah. We've been dating since high school, and I love it. We basically live together anyways. We're either at my apartment or your house." Joseph replied and nodded. "Living with you will be anazing, so yes." Olivia told him and he grinned. "I love you." Joseph told her. "I love you too." Olivia agreed. They hugged and then kissed passionately. "When do you want to move in?" Joseph asked. "Today." Olivia replied and he laughed. "Today?" Joseph asked. "Yes." Olivia replied. "Okay." Joseph agreed.

     Gigi walked outside the school and stopped when she saw Whisp below the steps. They starred at one another for a moment. Gigi sighed and met her at the bottom of the stairs. "Hey, sis." Gigi greeted. "Hey." Whisp greeted. "I'm glad you came, I felt bad about last week, and I really wanted to talk to you." Gigi told her. "Me too, sis. Believe me." Whisp agreed and Gigi laughed. "Whisp, I love you and I know you were just trying to be protective. Which, in hindsight, is really sweet." Gigi commented. "Do you really trust Valentine?" Gigi asked and Whisp nodded. "I do, I really care about him." Whisp replied and Gigi smiled. "Then so do I." Gigi told her. "Thanks, G. That means a lot." Whisp commented. "So, you and Valentine. Is this just a friendship or something more?" Gigi asked and Whisp sighed. "A week ago, I would have said no immediately. But now, I don't know." Whisp replied and Gigi grinned. "I knew it!" Gigi exclaimed. "I don't know how I feel." Whisp told her. "You know, you just have to dig deep and discover the truth." Gigi told her and Whisp smiled. "Thanks. I love you, sis." Whisp commented. "Anything for you." Gigi agreed and they hugged.
     Gigi appeared in a cloud of pink smoke outside of Valentine's house. She knocked and waited when Valentine finally answered. "Gigi? Wnat are you doing here?" Valentine asked and Gigi sighed. "I'm here to apologize for last week. The dinner at Whisp's lantern. I was a bit over the line." Gigi replied and Valentine shook his head. "I understand, truly. You wanted to make sure I wouldn't hurt her. You're a good sister, Gigi." Valentine told her and she smiled. "I was wrong about you, Valentine. You really had changed, and I see that now." Gigi told him and he smiled. "I'm trying." Valentine told her. "You should make amends with Draculaura, I know Whisp has been trying to convince you. But I can put in a good word for you." Gigi told him. "I'll think about it." Valentine told her. "Draculaura's in Transylvania right now, and I don't know when she's be back." Gigi told him and he nodded. "Okay." Valentine agreed. She waved to him and disappeared in a cloud of pink smoke.

Real World!
     Stella and Peter helped Olivia and Joseph move some boxes into her house. Olivia lives in a house and Joseph lived in an apartment, that's why the decided to move into Olivia's house. It was bigger and better. "Thanks for helping, Stel." Olivia commented and Stella smiled. "Of course." Stella agreed. Stella put a box on the kitchen table. "How's married life?" Olivia asked and Stella grinned. "It's only been a few days, but it's been great. I love Peter and I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him." Stella replied and Olivia smiled. "I'm so happy for you." Olivia told her. "And I'm happy for you too. You're going to live with the love of your life." Stella told her. "Yeah, it's exciting." Olivia agreed. "We are both so happy, I hope nothing changes that." Stella commented and Olivia nodded. "Same here." Olivia agreed and they hugged.
     Christy waited in the restroom of her loft. She was really nervous as her heart pounded. What if it's positive? What will she do? She has no idea. She doesn't even know where to begin. To be pregnant. To have a child. To be a mother. What will this mean for her life? What does this mean for her and Beowulf? Tears formed in her eyes. She was terrified, and didn't know what to do. She figured and stood up as she began pacing. Well, as much as she could in the restroom. She heard the front door and she lifted her head. "Christy!" Beowulf called. "I'll be right there!" Christy called back. It's been three minutes. She took a deep breathe and picked up the pregnancy test and gasped as she looked at the result. It's positive.

     Whisp appeared in Valentine's room, but he wasn't there. Which was odd, because he hardly ever leaves his room. His whole life is in there, which is odd in itself. She looked at his bed and jumped on it, laying down. She grinned as she relaxed. It was really comfortable. She didn't want to get up now. She just laid there, starring at the ceiling for several momenta. Whisp knew Valentine will be back soon, amy minute now. She sighed as she sat up and walked up to his desk. She sat in the deskshow and rolled around for a moment. She looked at the desk and saw a picture of Valentine and Whisp. She smiled as she looked at it. She just starred at photo for several moments. She remembers that day. It was lots of fun. Just the two of them at the beach. She frowned as she looked down. She really does have feelings for Valentine, and it didn't become obvious until right now, in this moment.
    The bedroom door opened and Whisp looked up, locking eyes with Valentine. "Hey, Val." Whisp greeted and Valentine smiled at her. "What are you doing here?" Valentine asked as he crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe. "I just wanted to visit, see my best friend." Whisp replied. Valentine laughed as he walked in and closed the door behind him. She stood up and faced him. "Your sister just left." Valentine told her. "Gigi? What was she doing here?" Whisp asked. "Apologizing." Valentine replied. "That's sweet." Whisp commented and Valentine nodded. "I'm actually glas you're here. Could we talk?" Valentine asked and she nodded. "Sure." Whisp replied and they sat on the edge of her bed. They faced each other, and their faces were close. Was he going to talk to her about their relationship? Her heart pounded as she took a deep. She was nervous.

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