Chapter 51 "12 Years Old"

Start from the beginning

Luke:Sam, haven't you caused enough trouble lately?

Sam:I didn't meant to sound was I supposed to know that Peter would walk out

Ava:He also meant of you offending Jessica, you don't know what she's been through so stop trying to sound smart


Luke:You should say that to Jessica and Peter, it's a sensitive topic that had even made him upset

Sam:Danny would probably start a fight with me if I even go up to talk...

Ava:Of course he would, so talk to Peter tomorrow, but apologize to Jessica now before she's even more mad at you
*Sam slowly nodded and stood up, he walked to the backyard where Jessica stood beside the door, she was looking out to the garden that was full of snow as smoke came out of her cigarette. She glances at the door that was opening and sees Sam walk in, she glances away in disgust*

Sam:Hey Jessica...I'm sorry for my behavior earlier, I shouldn't have pressured or offended you about your experience with Kilgrave...'ll have to do a lot more than an apology for me to forgive you...

Sam:I know that... should also apologize to Peter since it was hard for him too...I'm leaving since Trish might be waiting for me
*she walked past Sam with a small glance at him, she walked back inside the house leaving Sam behind*


Peter was laying in his bed with Danny's blanket wrapped around him like a burrito. He had his head hidden inside the blanket listening to Danny talking.

Danny:Peter are you okay?

Peter:Sam's an idiot...he doesn't know what he's talking about since he never dealt with a trial before...
*he had sat up and pushed his hair back with his hand*
Idiot, dumbass, I want to throw him out the window!
*he began to aggressively punch his white pillow that he was laying on as he continued insult Sam as Danny softly smiles to his behavior*

Danny:Have you been to court before Peter?
*Peter had abruptly stops and felt his lips quivers*

Peter:Uh yes...when the guy who shot Uncle Ben was found, me and Aunt May had to be in the crowd listening to the guy explain the murder, Aunt May wished that she didn't had to go through trial again and listen to horrific things...and that's mostly the reason why she's trying to be protective over me and even suggested for me to go to therapy... went to trial before your uncle's murder?


Danny:You said that your Aunt wished she didn't had to go through trial again, did this happen more than once?! No I misspoke sorry! I meant to say that she hopes she wouldn't have to go through trial again, sorry about that...but either way, Sam doesn't know how it's like to go through pressure and speak knowing no one would believe you, what the hell does he know? He offended Jessica who surprisedly didn't attack him over the table...

Danny:Sam lacks knowledge about this situation of Kilgrave, it's brave of how you're willing to speak up and give closure to the victim's family, I'm sure the judge won't give you a harsh sentence

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