Zarkon became a cruel man who not even his own son recognized anymore. 

I was just seven years old, my parents dead.

My mother burned down in the mansion by angry villagers, my brother and me would have burned with her but a guard saved us taking us to the castle.

My dad was killed by a mad soldier, my dad was patching him up the best he could and was killed .. his body bleeding and left. Time he was found once the battle was over, he was already dead. 

My brother and Lotor was just ten years old as the war happened. 

When the war was over, Zarkon placed all three in training to become weapons who would one day destroy all of his enemies. 

Matt and Lotor was at the right age to train to become knights but Zarkon wanted more .. he had knights he wanted monsters.

Something snapped in the king and he decided to train the three children themselves but he trained me the hardest. He wanted me to be the perfectly weapon, A lady who could Kill without ever leaving a trace. 

Rumours filled other kingdoms and soon King Alfor of Altea Kingdom gave the three children ages of eight and elven an officer.

A new home within his kingdom, no need to train to fight or kill but just to build and live happy. 

The three agreed and was soon living in Alfor castle but while the two boys soon got use to their new life, I was struggling.

A year of training under Zarkon without mercy made me forget the rules of the man world. 

Queen Melenor and Princess Allura of the Altea Kingdom reminded me that I was born a girl and soon taught me of how a lady acts training me to be a pretty doll.

But I wasnt ready to just be a doll, I still had a bit of a fight within me and when Matt skipped his knight training I stepped in his place. 

We looked like twins apart from our hair being different length and our height but when dressed up in training knights gear .. its easy to be mistake as the other. 

The days she couldn't take Matt place then her brother and Lotor would train with her in secret.

During the day I became lady Katie, one who charmed men with her rare hazel hair and hazel eyes.

During the evening She became just Katie, training with the sword with her brother and childhood friend.

But when I was fourteen, My brother and Lotor already knights by sixteen and now seventeen feeling proud as knights to the Altea crown. 

But that was also the year where their secret training with me was noticed, I was given a choice to end it myself or Alfor would step in.

So, I gave up my sword and became the perfect lady in others eyes watching knights train from a distance.

When I turned fifteen I learned the news, I was to be married.

To a lord son who I never even met, it seems my rare hazel colour had caught his eyes and he wanted me as his prize. My brother stood up for me, begged Melenor to rethink, to let his sister marry for love just like he remembered his dad old stories and wishes. 

But no, my hand in marriage  would be given to the lord son once I turned sixteen .. the age for a lady in name to be married. 

I made a choice, one I do not regret leaving but I wished I could have told my brother.

I left and ran, ran to a new kingdom .. the Garrison Kingdom.

I became Pidge Gunderson .. a simple town boy.

I was able to find work in the black smith making swords for the kingdom knights and fixing up certain knights swords who didn't wish for a new sword, wanting to keep the one they trusted from the start. 

My long soft hazel hair now cut to my shoulders.

My bright pretty hazel eyes hidden behind round nerdy glasses that once belonged to my brother long ago but the glass replaced with clear glass. 

My cute freckles that ran over my cheeks and nose no longer hidden but make up that she hated. 

I was still short and her breasts were bandage back making her seem semi flat as long as no one hugged me.

I made friends who were my age or a year older, Keith, Lance and Hunk all knights to the castle and common customers in the black smiths.

I worked under a man named Thace who was like a strict but kind uncle, he taught me everything to do with being a black smith, he gave me a home when he found me on the streets after being attacked .. well he found me standing surrounded by a group of men growing in pain after losing to me. 

He never once asked why I lied over my gender nor asked for my real name, he just let me live with him and work in his shop. He gave me a knew life to start and I wrote a letter to my brother, I left no name or address but a letter I know that would let my brother know I'm alive and safe. 

I became someone who I proud to me, even if I was living as a Lie.

And soon, I became someone with pride ... I became a Garrison Knight and Its one of the best decisions I ever made. 

A Knight Secret (Shidge)Where stories live. Discover now