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Okay so what if my boyfriend's ex girlfriend is a really hot model and has great fashion skills what do you have millions of dollars and I have him so keep you head up cause girls want what they can no longer have.

Yeah this is what my inner thought sound like and boy was it right.

I was pacing in the girls bathroom of my high school this is what I've been doing for a while now I got her thirty minutes early just to see if the rumors were true.

Rumor has it that Brianna Hernandez is going to join this school and I had to see it for myself cause.

If she join all hope was lost on me she would be flirting with him everyday and I would lose him forever.

I grew some balls and walked out the bathroom but as I looked down the hallway I hated the world away.

Walking down the hallway hair blowing in the wind looking flawless and locking arms with my boyfriend was Brianna Hernandez.

And of course Jacob looked happy as can be wearing his football leatherman jacket did I mention he's quarterback now.

"All hope is lost now you know we always lose to the popular people" Parker said coming up behind me.

I hung my head in shame I lost him before I even really had him I locked my arm with Parker.

"At least I still have you" I told her.

"You'll always have me" she told me as she walked me to first period and left I put my head no the table can I die now.

At some point I feel asleep but I woke up to the sound of everyone clapping I'm a light sleeper any faint noise will wake me up.

Brianna walked up the alies to where I was at and looked for a seat then she looked down at me and snickered.

" Drool much" she said then walked away then ever head turned to me and started laughing I put my head back down and went to sleep I don't have to hear this.

Even Jacob laughed at her curel joke you'll never lose me, your better then her he claimed what's happening now.

Ugh can I die now please.

"Ariel first period is over" I heard Jacob say.

"Ugh five more minutes" I said not realizing whom was standing before me.

"Your so cute when your sleeping" he said and I felt the blood rush to my cheeks.

"Sure if you think drooling and messing up your already imperfect hair them by all means she's beautiful" I heard Brianna mumble.

"Briana!" Jacob yelled.

"What I'm just stating facts" she said.

"No your being mean" he told her well duhh.

"I'm just saying you can do better like seriously look at you then look at her if your going to date someone at least make sure she's at least pretty" she said walking away.

The Thing About The Andrew SisterWhere stories live. Discover now