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It was Sunday and I had to work sadly.

My family still made there monthly trip to church. Monthly because we've been so busy that we can only go once a month.

Jacob picked me up because I didn't feel like driving. We walked in holding hands like any other couple would and the whole studio went crazy.

Finally hazel told us she's been waiting since forever. We laughed this isn't really what we expected their reactions to be.

"Jacob we've hired a girl to play your girlfriend" someone told him.

"Who" he asked.

"Me" some girl said behind us.

We turned and I got jealous instantly she was beautiful, her hair was Brown with blonde tips, her face was fucking gorgeous and what she was wearing didn't make me feel any better. She clearly had a better sense of style then me was I a bit worried hell yeah my boyfriend is a playing it's what he does. I looked at him and his face was pale like he'd scene a ghost or he was just trying to act like he didn't want her.

I shook him. "You okay" I asked.

"Hi Bri" he told her like he knew her.

"It's good to see you again so who's this" she said gesturing to our hands that were still interlocked.

He quickly let go of my hands. "Brianna this is Ariel Andrews, Ariel meet Brianna Hernandez-" he was saying before I rudely interpreted.

"The Brianna Hernandez as in the supermodel Brianna Hernandez as in the fashion industry famous Hernandez family as in that Brianna Hernandez" I said rumbling.

"I'm glad you've heard of me but as Jacob talked about me" she asked.

"Why would he talk about you" I asked looking at him as he looked away to the ground.


"Oh you guys dated your the girl that broke him" I asked.

"That makes me seem so mean I only told him no when he asked me to marry him is that wrong" she told me.

He never told me that I head told me.

"Then you sleep with his best friend" I told her.

"No I dated his best friend wow shows how much he really tells you" she said shoving past me.

I looked at him and he just wouldn't look at me.

I walked over to Hazel we've actually grown really close. Jacob was going to come but it was his scene and he couldn't miss it.

I was gonna watch but I had to go change.

I walked out the changing room and it was a new set and background. She stood in front of him and he sat on the bed. All of a sudden she dropped her robe. Even her ass is perfect Ariel you don't compare she wins stop trying my mind raced.

He grind wildly and grabbed her by her waist and pulled her to him. Fuck my life why did I walk in on this scene. They kissed passionately a little longer then it needed to be if you asked me. Her legs wrapped around him and he picked her up and placed her on the bed. Hazel squeeze my hand knowing what I was going through is how the married couple for acting feel Damn that stings.

He started kissing her and took off his shirt. Okay you know where this is heading you can sit here and watch or you can leave while you still have your dignity.

The Thing About The Andrew SisterWhere stories live. Discover now