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My sister's

I woke up and as usual no one's home but my older brother Mac and my little sister Olivia. "Where is everyone" I asked Mac.

"Dad is on set for that new action movie so he's going to be late, Mom took the baby to a photo shoot for baby monthly, Madrid is staring in that new drama movie, and Jaleesa is coming home from the tour today" Mac said not turning away from his cartoon network. To be honest he's a 19 year old baby but can't blame him or judge him I'm 16 and I still love Disney channel.

I checked the kitchen table and saw that our family chef made my special breakfast French toast, pancakes, bacon, eggs, hash browns, sausages, chocolate chip cookies, and freshly squeezed OJ. Not even a big breakfast like the rest of my family.

There was a note next to my food saying " Ariel we booked you a audition for a shampoo commercial the least you can do is actually get it please don't mess this one up its at tomorrow at 11 and don't forget to pick up your sister from the airport, and tell Maddie to be home for diner tonight please" encouraging word mom let me tell you.

"Max don't forget to pick up Jaleesa at noon" I told him while stuffing my face.

"Oh crap then we better leave now it's 11:30" he Said closing the television set.

I run upstairs grabbing a pair of skinny jeans, a bra, and shirt and ran downstairs before Mac left me. I quickly put my clothes on in the car a skill I've learn to master over the years of always being late to school. It's not only after I got situated that I realized I forgot my food and we forgot Liv's shows. Even though my brother is a human GPS doesn't mean we beat traffic.

We got to the airport after a twenty minute wait and spent about five minutes searching for her terminal. But at least we got there five minutes early and sat Olivia on me she's four so I didn't mind it. As Liv's feet dangled back and fourth and Mac covered his features you know the topical sunglasses and a hoodie which as soon as paparazzi showed up he would take off.

"Hey didn't you think to take Liv's shoes" I asked.

"No I was in a rush why didn't you do it" he asked with a are you serious face.

"Cause I was rushing trying not to get left" I said. As million of fans start running up to my sister's terminal that's what happens when you tweet everything.

People were starting to come out with their bags and the crowd of fans waited patiently for my sister typical. When she came out the fans went wild screaming her name and lights flashing. Jaleesa loom for us first and directly to Mac first and gave him a big hug then Olivia and lastly mean. "I missed you so much" she said as she squeezed tighter.

"Not as much as I missed you" I said returning the gesture.

That's when TMZ killed the moment. "Mac I saw you come in with her who is she is she your new girlfriend are you and Alexis taking a little break" they ask hungry for answers. Alexis is my brothers girlfriend she is sweet, caring, confident, beautiful, and everything I want to be but can't.

"No Alexis and I are not on break or anything this is on of the triplets she's the cutest I swear" the pressed laughed at my brothers little joke. But I didn't see it as a joke like serious I'm not ugly but their are my sisters. Yes I don't get notice as my own family because we'll I'm not as famous as them I don't constantly try to be on the tabloids like them but it does hurt being considered a stranger in other people's eyes. I swear my brother becomes a different person in front of those people trying to impress them I say to he'll with em. As we all walk out together Liv in my hand, Mac tweeting, and Jaleesa holding her bags we looked like an actually normal family until we actually managed to get out side where the press stood more ferociously ugh can't they just leave us alone. An interviewer ask the same question as the one before the one pertaining to whom I was and I just stormed off. Managing to make my way to the car and just standing as Liv sat on the roof.

After a good 15 minutes they finally found their way to the car you know with a full on press mob behind them. I don't get it how do you get so famous that press won't even let you take a stroll. We quickly got into the car and drove off.

I made them stop at the movie set for Maddie. Of course Jaleesa went with me she wouldn't leave me alone with the ice beast. That's been her nickname since we were kids she literally has no heart in middle school a boy with down syndrome liked her and she called him an ugly, fat child to his face then when he committed suicide she simply said the world looks prettier without him yes my sister is a bitch.

We went into the multimillion film studio and couldn't believe how big it was. I quickly spotted my best which was my crush Mason.

"Mason have you scene my sister" I asked grabbed his muscular arms like darn was he strong. As looked at him in awe as he searched for her she ran up and hugged him.

"Hi baby did you see my scene it's was like natural you know I'm so good at this character because I have a dysfunctional family too you know-" she said hugging him tightly. Jaleesa and I both cleared our throats.

"Hi to you too sis" Jaleesa said. Wow you haven't scene your sister in months and that's how you greet her.

"Oh hi you remember my boyfriend Mason right" she said staring straight at me of course she knew I liked him but did she care nope. Jaleesa looked at me then nodded.

"Be home for dinner ok bye Mason" I said grabbing my actual sister arm and dragging her of course she wanted me out the situation too.

"Is it ok if I bring my boyfriend" she said behind us I wish she would call him by his name this just hurts.

"Bring whom ever you want I don't care" I said walking faster now then before.

I told Mac to drive and went I got home I grabbed a whole tub of ice cream and me and Jaleesa went to my room as I cried into her shoulders now she's actually my sister not the ice beast.

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