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It was Monday and school started today sadly. I was getting frustrated cause I had literally 30 minutes before I had to be at school so I wouldn't be late again and the way it was looking this was gonna be last year on repeat.

"Pick the blue outfit it looks really cut on you when you wear it" my mom said coming up behind me since when does she care what I wear.

"Thanks mom" I said rushing into the bathroom.

"Maddie asked if she should wait or leave cause you only have fifthteen left" she asked of course it was about Maddie.

"Nope she van go I'll use the car J- someone gave me" I said almost forgetting my mom can't know about Jacob cause she'll flip his family is apparently our mortal enemies and the fact that I was doing the show with him pissed her off enough.

"You can leave" she told Maddie yelling down the stairs. "Now Ariel are you gonna tell me what nice boy brought you that car that you don't want to tell me about" she asked blaming.

"Nope" I said reaching for my shirt and trying to button it up and my mom kindly helped.

"Just tell me it won't matter as long as its not that boy what's his name Jacob yeah what am I say he wouldn't go after you Maddie yes Jaleesa sire but you no he knows he can do better then that forget I mentioned it" she said rumbling I cut her off.

"Mom get out see we were having a good conversation until you mess that up so now get out" I told her she put up her hands in defense and left.

I finally finished and I thought I was early until I checked the time 7:50 school started ten minutes ago this is why I get dressed in the car. I rushed out my house and forgot my keys so I had to go looking for them which took me another five minutes and it would take me ten minutes to get to school so basically I would be 25 minutes late.

I arrived at school at 8:05 and school started at 7:40. I walk into the main office to get my schedule and Ms. Hertz was there with Mr. Marr.

"Hi Ariel baby are you gonna be late this year too" Ms. Hertz asked.

"Of course she is Kira it runs in her blood her father used to be late all the time guess she is following in someone's footsteps since she can't act" Mr. Marr said.

"Joseph, sorry sweetheart your family give him a hard time when he first started working here so he takes his angry out on you guys you needed your schedule right" she asked and I slightly nodded. She give me my schedule and I went to first period 30 minutes late.

"Late again miss Andrews we will not tolarate another incident like last year now will we" Ms. Simpsons told me.

"Of course not Miranda you'll love me this year I promise" I said standing there waiting for her to seat me she loves to place people near people they don't want to be near.

"I highly doubt that seeing as all the trouble you caused me I'm watching you miss Andrews now seeing as you can't late there's only one seat left go sit in the back with the rest of the delinquent" she said then she went back to writing something on the board.

"Wow first day and you already late" said a person in front of me it happened to be Jacob.

"And your a saint" I simply said.

"Ouch that one sting" he said hold his chest where his heart would be.

"Well good Jakey it was meant to" I said staring back at the board.

"Why you late anyways" he asked still staring at me.

"You think this outfit was easy my hair was a disaster this morning being a girl is not easy sir" I said staring into his green eyes I never notice how mesmerizing they were till now.

"But you always manage to look amazing" he said scratching his head in all awkwardness I couldn't help but blush.

"Mr. Hernandez if you can kindly avert your eyes from my trouble maker and back to the board I would greatly appreciate it thank you" Ms. Simpsons said.

"I'm sorry for looking at the most beautiful girl in here but when your that pretty whom can blame me I mean just look at her" he said looking back at me "she's mesmerizing" he said smiling at me and I melted. I could feel the blood rush to my checks and all the glares most of the girls were giving to me didn't matter.

"Very touching but this is not a chick flick this is a classroom where you learn and you can flirt and have sex later right now were learning I don't if your father does sign my pay check you will not get a passing grade until you earn it" she told him.

"Um no I could tell my father to let me pass and you couldn't say nothing because you'd be fired don't play the dad game with me I'll win always" he said just as the bell rang saved by the bell Ms. Simpsons doesn't play I had her two years straight.

I got up and walked out the door bookbag in hand checking out my schedule.

"Ariel wait up" Jacob called from behind and I stopped. "Hey can you help me find my classes I might own this school that doesn't mean I know where things are" he said laughing I rolled my eyes and took his schedule.

"You have pre- calculus damn how smart are you" I asked.

"Smart enough to get you" he said winking.

"What ever go down the hall into your left your teacher is Mr. Sing he's really cool but he can get really mad so don't pull what you just did with her he'll kick you out" I told before walking.

"Hey what class you going to next" he asked.

"Algebra 2 honors Mr. Campbell's class" I told him.

"And where is that"he asked.

" Upstairs first door on the right why" I asked.

"If I get kicked out I'm going to you duhh" he said walking away. What is happening?

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