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Before I knew it, it was Friday. 4th Of July. I got up, got a shower, and got dressed. I put on a black mini skirt, a Skid Row shirt, and Converse. I wanted to look nice. But not too nice. I put my hair into pigtails and did my makeup. It was soon time. I walked downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Lilly asked.

"Marcus is picking me up. We're going over to his parents house for a barbecue and fireworks." I answered.

Marcus then got there. He opened the car door for me and we got in.

"Why do you look so nervous?" I pointed out.

"I just... Don't trust some of my family and don't want you to feel uncomfortable. So we can leave whenever you want." He replied.

"I'll be fine Marcus." I rolled my eyes.

We soon got there. He held my hand tight and we walked into the back. There were more people than I expected. Music was playing and the smell of delicious barbecue filled the air.

"Oooh! Who's this cutie?" A woman asked. Everyone looked at us.

"Guys, meet my girlfriend; Emma." He announced. He then pointed our who everyone was.

"So Marcus got a little white girl now." His uncle chuckled.

"Please stop." Marcus sighed.

His mom then walked over to me and gave me a big hug. Quite awkward.

"I'm sorry about him." She apologized. "C'mon have a seat. Make yourself at home."

We sat at the table. I felt like everyone was looking at me.

"So your daddy's okay with this?" Marcus's dad implied.

"Um... I don't really know. I don't exactly have one. He died when I was 7." I shrugged.

"Oh my. I'm so sorry for your loss." Marcus's sister gasped. "Can I ask how?"

"Kyla. You don't ask that." Marcus snapped back.

"It's fine." I assured. "He was a cop and got shot on duty while trying to save his partner." Marcus's brother stood up and slammed him hands on the table.

"Well that's what happens to pigs!" He declared. Everyone gasped. Marcus jumped up too.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?That's her dad!" Marcus yelled.

Tears fell down my face as I ran back to Marcus's car. I tried to get in but it was locked. So I slid down the side into egg position. The car then unlocked so I got in it as quickly as possible and took my crying to inside the car. Marcus got in the driver's seat.

"I can't explain how sorry I am about him." He apologized as he hugged me. "I didn't want you to answer because I knew he'd say something like that." I didn't respond. I couldn't. "Can I please take you somewhere?" He insisted.

I nodded my head yes. He then drove me to a graveyard. We got out. It's the graveyard where my dad is. But I didn't want to say it. We were going in the exact direction of it. We stopped at the gravestone right next to my dads.

"Marcus... That's my dad's grave stone..." I finally got out.

"I know. And we're standing in front of my granddad's" He sighed. "My granddad was the one who your dad was trying to save. He was also a cop. But the bullet went through him and hit my granddad."

I began to cry again. He hugged me tight. And I cried into his shirt.

"I know what your dad tried to do didn't work out. But he was willing to sacrifice himself for my granddad. I know it was your dad who did it, but you're the closest person I can thank for him doing that."

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