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I was sitting in my room on my bed scrolling through Instagram. When all of a sudden my boyfriend's best friends; Marcus, James, and Ricky barged into my room. But Morgan; my boyfriend wasn't with them.

Before I could process what was happening Marcus picked me up, threw me over his shoulder, then began to carry me out.

"Lilly!" I called my sister's name as we walked by her.

"I don't mess with skyscrapers. Sorry sis." She shrugged.

Marcus basically threw me into the front seat of there band's van. They're all in a Nu Metal band called Velvet Bones. Morgan the rythem guitarist and vocalist, Marcus the lead vocalist and lead guitarist, James the bassist, and Ricky the drummer. Ricky and James sat in the back on the floor.

"Why the hell did you kid nap me?!" I freaked.

"Because Morgan isn't answering to anyone. And we figured he would to you." Ricky answered. They all live in one house together.

"He's been in his room for the past hour and we didn't know what to do." James added. I just rolled my eyes.

I then realized what I was wearing. I was wearing a t-shirt and boy shorts. The boy shorts make it look like I was just wearing short shorts. So I was wearing a shirt and underwear, no shoes, no bra, no pants. Just a shirt and underwear sitting with 3 of the boyfriend's best friends.

I didn't want to say anything. We got there  and went straight downstairs to his room. I knocked on his bedroom door.

"Morgan! Get your ass out here! Your dumbass friends came into my room, picked me up, and kidnapped me!" I announced.

"Hey! We're not dumbasses." Mark sneered.

"You kidnapped me without even realizing that I'm only wearing a t-shirt and underwear!" I hissed.

Morgan quickly came our. He looked at me then stood in front of me.

"Woah. So you're just naturally that thicc? That's hella hot." James implied.

"Get in my room. Now." Morgan told me.

I snuck into his room. Closing the door behind me. I listening to what was happening.

"Ow, shit! What was that for!?" Marcus, James, and Ricky all said.

"You took my girlfriend away from her house without her permission! While she's I'm her fucking underwear!" Morgan reminded.

"I'm sorry bro. I didn't know she was in her underwear. I was just doing what they told me." Marcus apologized.

"We didn't know she was in her underwear! Besides, you weren't answering all day! So we had to take different measures!" Ricky declared. There's two types of people in the world....

"Probably cause I don't like talking when I'm jerking off! And when you guys do, I don't kidnap your girlfriends and bring her over half fucking naked!" Morgan yelled.

He stomped back into his room and slammed the door and locked it. He was furious. I tried to stay out of the way by sitting on the edge of his bed.

He got into his dresser and got out a pair of sweatpants and a belt. Without saying anything he put the pants on me and held them up with a belt. He then put his leather jacket on my too.

"Thanks." I whispered. "Honestly I didn't even realized I was wearing this until we were already leaving the house."

"So they just fucking kidnapped  you basically? What happened?" He asked.

"I was sitting on my bed on my phone and they came in and picked me up. They carried me downstairs. Only Lilly was home and she said that she doesn't mess with tall people. Then halfway here I noticed what I was wearing." I explained.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry about them." He apologized. I just shrugged.

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