"FOOLISH" Part 12

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(Next day in class,Teacher of English entered the class)

Whole class :Gooooood moorrnniinngg Ssiirr!!!

RM : "GOOD MORNING Students",so students I have a good news for you~

Class : Woaahh ,whaattt is it sirr....(Plz understand readers,you know thewhen the whole class speak together!!)
RM :*Showing his two illegal dimples*Your fun society is going to arrange a 'party' for this class at this upcoming Saturday night~

*Whole class began to hooting*
(Happiness was clear to be seen on the faces of whole class but expect "Two persons",One was Y/N who was worried for the preparation for the party because she had never attended a party of this level and the second person was Jungkook,who wasn't even interested!!!

(lecture time skip)

RM : Okay student class dismissed!!! *With this Rm left the class and other students started so*

"Y/N will you come at my birthday party tonight??(Jungkook heard this when he was passing through the coridoor while looking down,than he lift his gaze to the front,Two boys were standing there and were asking Y/N to come on their party something!!!?

Random boys :"So y/n,will you come at my birthday party?
Y/N :"A ye-

Jungkook : "No...she'll not come!!!

*Boys stared at JK*

Y/N : Huh but-

JUngkook : Sssshhh....*he shushed Y/N and than turn to boys*"and you two,why still standing here,go away*he said in a commanding tone*

*boys walked away mumbling something*
Y/N :*while Looking at the way where boys left*Aah listen ,sorr-......ugh!!*Than she turned to jungkook with full of her anger*
"Who..the heck are you to "Refuse at my place!!!"
*JK bent on to her a little and than replied*
"Well,what can be happen now ,I already refused them but still if you'll go.....they will think of you "A "self esteem less" girl*Jk smiled just a little in teasy way and start walking to his way*

Y/N : Hunh???what was this?,after all this he is just walking away? Wait!!!

*Y/n try to grab his shoulder but his collar came in her hand "meanwhile Y/n's hand touched with Jungkook neck and he felt that blood attraction again*

*Y/n try to grab his shoulder but his collar came in her hand "meanwhile Y/n's hand touched with Jungkook neck and he felt that blood attraction again*(JK THOUGHT : "Oh THIS GIRL WANNA DIE I THINK!!!)

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"He turned around and pushed y/n back a lil and than said angrily,"They are not decent boys instead they are cheap,if you'll go yo their party they can do.......anything with you*Meanwhile his hands turn in fists saying this*that's why I refused them "You foolish",still if you wanna go....You can!!,I'll not stop you,"I don't care okay!!! and one thing more!!!,"DON'T YOU DARE TO TOUCH ME AGAIN"

*after saying this he left and y/n was still standing there and looking at the place with wide open eyes and mouth(hehe),where jungkook was standing!!!*

(AUTHOR : Well Jungkook's lecture made her realize that she was wrong)
Y/N :"He-..........he was right I think!!!, I am foolish and....moreover I-I....misbehaved with him,I should say..........yeah........I should say sorry to him!!!~



*Jungkook door bell rang*

Jungkook:Hmm....who can be at the door?,Might ..Jimin or tae hyung!!!

*Jungkook opened the door and got astonished that Y/n was standing there with a plate holding in her both hands,but he didn't show it on his face that he is astonished to see her at his door!!

Jungkook : "YES?"*he asked in a cold voice*

*Y/N moved the plate forward and said*

"I.....I...made pudding...so...

Jungkook :"I don't need your any kind of pudding" Okay!!!

Y'all plz support this story

stay at home stay safe~

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