"BAD TIMING" Part 22

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(Y/N didn't notice that she was in the orbit of 'Black Eyes' all this time)

(Jungkook was feeling totally upset by her side. Rage was taking over him again and again. She wanted to slap her to make her come in her senses)

(School time was over and Jungkook was going home, meanwhile he heard y/n calling his name)


(she was running towards him. He stopped. When she reached him, she bent down at 90* and took a deep breath, stands up straight again and said: "Oh Man are you deaf!!

*He didn't respond*

"A-Anyway let's go" she said.

"So finally, you're free, I was thinking that Suho would drop you"

(She just sighs at him and then tried to change the topic)

"Remember two chapters are still left, you have to teach me that"

"What will I get? He asked straight forwardly.

"You really want something? She asked narrowing her eyes.

"Of course, okay lemme make it easy for you...umm...treat me something to...'Drink'...How's it? He said smiling slightly.

How's it? He said smiling slightly

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"Okay" she replied. (but net moment she stops at het place and said)

"Wait. But!

"But what? He asked arching his bro.

"B-but not my b-blood!!! She said quivering.

(Jungkook smirked and moved near to her and said: "You can't stop me btw!!!

*Teary voice* J-Jungkook!!!

*He laughed loudly at her reaction and said: JK man!!

"W-what's that? She asked with tearing up.

"its mean 'Just Kidding' Y/N" he said and laughed again.

"So, the meaning of your name is "Just Kidding? This time she laughed loudly and Jungkook sigh at her.

"Okay now tell me what you want exactly? She asked controlling her laugh.

"Umm...lemme think... (after few second)" Ah yes...bring that pudding...like you made before. That was kinda...yummy.!

"Sure thing" she said smiling.

(After a little time, they reached their home. They waved at each other and went inside their houses.


*His phone rang*

*He grabbed his phone and take a look. The number was unknown"

"Hunh, whose number it is!

"Hello, who's there?

"Me??...I am someone who is as same...as you!!!

(In less than on second Jungkook evoked this voice)

"You...what's your problem? Jungkook asked belligerently.

"Nothing but today when me and Y/n was sitting in the café, whole time you were staring at my girlfriend and that doesn't seem right man!!! Said Suho in a caustic tone.

"Oh really! I think it's too early to decide if she is yours or not!! Said Jungkook in a mocking tone.

"She is making it very obvious Mr. Jungkook. There are so many things going on between us already. We talked a lot on different topics today and I hope she isn't sharing any of that with you!!! Said Suho laughing slightly like he wanted to burn JK with his laugh.

*Rage badly took over Jungkook*

Suho: And-

"I don't have that much free time to listen to your Bullsh*t!!! said Jungkook and cut call.

"I don't have that much free time to listen to your Bullsh*t!!! said Jungkook and cut call

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"Ah Y/N Ah...*he said combing his long fingers into his silky hair in a rough manner* What are you hiding from me What!!! He shrieked.

*Right at that time his doorbell rings*

(He already knew that who'd be on the door)

"Bad Timing Y/N Bag Timing!!! He said standing up and left to open the door.

Hi lovees.

I know it's been long...sorry.

But now here you go with a new chapter.

Tell me in comments that how was it?


Stay safe and healthy.

Love ya Loveees~

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