"what do you think i'm doing now?" i pull my dress out of the closet and start changing.

"i like the view," mattia stared at my half naked body.

i roll my eyes and put the dress on. "can you zip me up?"

he strolled over and moved my hair aside so he could see the zipper. "there. you look beautiful."

i turned around and gave him a long hug in case my plan doesn't go the way i want it to and i don't see him again. "i love you."

mattia laughed lightly and hugged me back. "i love you too." he kissed the top of my head. "come on, alejandro and kairi are waiting for us downstairs."

i let go of him and head towards the door.

"you ready to announce your return?" kairi asked him.

"i've been ready, it's you guys who have a problem with it," mattia pointed at us.

"shut up," alejandro slapped his hand. "sorry for worrying, maybe next time we'll just leave you in france."

mattia laughed sarcastically and alejandro copied him as they argued the entire time to car.

"are you guys done?" kairi shouted.

we all finally got into the car and made our way to the ball. it was a different location this time which was good, the last time i went i got kidnapped by my ex boyfriend and dad.


we all stood there in front of the entrance and looked at mattia. he took a deep breath and continued walking without saying anything.

as soon as we walked in, we saw many heads turn to us, or mainly him. a lot of people started whispering and pointing while he seemed unbothered.

"let's just get this night over with," mattia mumbled.

i searched the room to see if any prophets were near by and some were, but there was no sight of vincent.

"holy shit it's true," mariano ran up to us and hugged mattia. "i knew you couldn't die that easily."

"exactly. people are gonna have to try a lot harder if they wanna get rid of me," said mattia.

"you gotta tell me and my boys everything," mariano laughed.

mattia looked at me for approval and i nodded, letting him walk away with the others.

i grabbed a champagne class from a tray and started walking around, admiring the ballroom.

my eye caught this beautiful, enormous painting so i stopped and took a look at every detail.

"greece," a voice said. "that's a painting of a city in greece."

i didnt have to turn around to know who it was. "vincent, nice to see you again."

"you're being a lot nicer," he smiled. "pretty painting isn't it? the artist got every detail."

"yeah," i agreed.

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