my thoughts on BLM

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before i start i want to apologize for my absence and not posting, i just haven't been in the mood to write but lately with all this bad stuff happening i need to "escape" and writing here was always my safe place. 

i understand some of you will disagree with me; i will respect your opinion. if you want to unfollow me, that's fine because that isn't what i care about. 

I am not black. but i will ALWAYS support black people or any race. i will never understand how one can hate others based on skin color or looks because it will never make sense to me. black lives have always mattered, not just right now, not just because it's a trending hashtag. we would not be here without black people; their sports, culture, rap music etc. we would not be here without all of us. 

black people have been oppressed for centuries and still today it's no better. if you are not black, you do not get to tell black people how they should protest or mourn. if you are not black, you will never understand black struggles, ever. there are children who are scared to lose their own life because of their skin color. that's sickening and it's horrible. even children understand that they're not in a safe place. and i don't blame them. I will never ever be murdered because of my skin color. I will never have the thought "am i going to be next" go through my head. I have privilege and i recognize that. 

i stand behind the ACAB acronym. yes it stands for "all cops are bad" but it does not mean individually every cop has bad intentions-- i know that. but i also know that those cops also watch their coworkers abuse the power they have, and keep quiet about it; they refuse to speak up about the corrupted system. i don't blame every single cop but i blame the system. every system is flawed, but these are the people that swore an oath to protect us yet they're the ones getting violent first. there are cops who want to do good and i am thankful for those cops. (you don't even need a college degree to become a cop like what)

If you are getting upset about the violent riots and that's all you speak about, then you are prioritizing the wrong thing. if a target getting looted upsets you more than the innocent lives that have been taken, you are prioritizing the wrong thing. if you can't handle a few days of rioting then god you'd really hate the 400 years of discrimination that took place between 1619-1863 wouldn't you? (i'm referring to slavery). I don't support looting small businesses; please leave them out of this, but looters and protestors are not the same thing. people hate looting, but act like those artifacts in the museum weren't stolen themselves.  yes it's terrible merchandise, buildings, cars, are getting destroyed but they can be replaced, human lives can't. no justice, no peace. they should let everyone know what they will do for their freedom.

 "a riot is the language of the unheard" -martin luther king. 

"you get freedom by letting your enemy know that you'll do anything to get your freedom; then you'll get it. it's the only way you'll get it." -malcolm x. 

america did not get where we are today without violence; we are here right now because of many years of war and bloodshed. we did not rock, paper, scissors our way here. slaves did not get freed because they asked politely, it was because they revolted. women and gay people acquired rights by rioting. obviously no one wants violence to be the answer, but all the retaliation is unavoidable, it was bound to happen. if you live in the united states, you are living on stolen land itself. "it's suppose to be a protest, not a riot or robbery" to george floyd it was suppose to be an arrest not a murder. Protests are peaceful until cops arrive because they start shooting and tear gassing everyone who are trying to protest peacefully (again i know not all cops are like this). 

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