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a/n: hi you guys can follow me on instagram if you want @/tikt0kfanfic. i don't really post or anything cuz idk what to post but dms are always open if you wanna chat or whatever.

y/n's pov

later that night...

"so where'd you say we're going?" hector asks.

"there was this mexican food truck near y/n's old apartment that she loved," xavier answered.

"are we doing anything after?" said avani.

you see, i have to go to the beach after so i can't make anymore plans. "i feel like i'll be tired after," i respond.

xavier pulls up the food truck and we each get out and onto the sidewalk. soon, another car filled with his soldiers appear behind us and three men come out.



hi can we go a little bit later?
i have to do a heist with mariano

uh what time?

i don't know
maybe leave around 1am or something

so what i'm hearing is, i'll be sleeping at 4am

what if we get a hotel near the beach?
say you're spending the night with isabella or something

that's a good idea
now we can have sex on the bed

never said that
the beach>>

the sand that's going to get in my vagina<<

there'll be towels

and if someone sees us??

who's gonna be at the beach at 1am?

couples like us who want to go out late at night

so we're a couple?

i'm engaged :(

your point?

talk about this later i'm about to eat

and i'm about to become richer
see you soon

be safe, don't get caught

a/n: i make them type like teenagers when they're both 21 and in a mafia😭. sorry i don't know how capos of mafias text like😣

xavier, hector, avani, and i sat down at a nearby table and started eating our food while talking. honestly i was surprised that xavier was on his best behavior tonight, he didn't once do anything that made me uncomfortable.

"there was this one time y/n got so drunk at the club that she climbed on top of the table but then blacked out and fell off," said xavier.

"yuhh get into it," avani laughed.

"after that night i just decided to not drink as much anymore. i felt terrible the next morning," i say.

"you're welcome for taking you home and helping you get cleaned up," xavier reminds me.

"i thanked you for that so many times already," i reply. "there was this one time we were at the movies and he accidentally spilled a drink on another guy. if i wasn't there to calm him down he would've beat your ass."

"little did you know i was in a fucking cartel," he smirked. "think i would've killed him if he laid a hand on me."

"so you seriously didn't know that xavier was part of a mafia?" hector asks.

i shake my head. "nope, but i knew he kept a lot of shit from me."

"it was to protect you from my enemies," he tells me. "and i didn't know you were in a mafia either. dating king cobra's daughter was pure coincidence."

"to be fair, i also didn't know," i add. eating at my go-to food truck gave me a nostalgic feeling while sitting here and chatting with my friends like a normal person. i wasn't bothered by anything in the moment.

mattia's pov

"is everyone's ear set connected," i ask.

"copy that, i can hear you loud and clear," alejandro answers.

"cause you're standing next to me smart fuck," i roll my eyes. "kairi, do you copy?"

"i'm walking around the casino right now, keeping an eye on security," he tells me.

"mariano?" i call him.

"meet me on the roof soon," he says through the ear piece. "my soldiers and i are gonna bomb it. make sure you and alejandro have your ropes."

"won't that create too much noise?" alejandro questions him.

"it'll take a security a minute to open the vault anyway. we'll lower ourselves down into the room and take as much as we can," i tell alejandro. "kairi, you and our other soldiers have to stall them."

"copy that," i hear him say.

alejandro and i make our way up the roof where we saw mariano setting up the bomb.

"get back," he gesture us. everyone backs away from the bomb and a few seconds later, it exploded, leaving a giant hole. i look down and saw all the cash and jewelry lying around. i drop the rope into the room and slide down, gripping onto it to protect myself from the impact.

"holy shit," alejandro smiles. "the sight of money never cease to make me smile."

i laugh lightly and continue putting everything into my duffle bag. then, i hear the alarm go off.

"hurry it up," mariano orders. the vault makes a slight noise, indicating someone on the other side was opening it. the sound of gunshots soon appear right behind the door, i'm guessing that's kairi "stalling" them.

"i'm good to go," i say. i clip the duffle bag to my waist and climb up the rope with the help of some soldiers pulling me up. police sirens started going off in the distance. "kairi, make your way to the car now."

"on my way," his voice appeared from the ear set.

everyone safely made it down from the roof and into our cars, securing the bag.

"how much did you get," kairi asks.

"couple mill," i smirk. i look into the bag and saw the diamond necklace i snatched last minute. it'll look perfect around y/n's neck.


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