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third person's pov

two weeks later...

every single night y/n and mattia have snuck out and met up with each other, causing the both of them to wake up tired every single day.

"you should start sleeping earlier," hector advises y/n. "what do you even do at night?"

"i literally do nothing in my room, i just can't sleep early for some reason." she felt bad lying to her best friend but she just couldn't tell him the truth.

"maybe you should buy some melatonin," he says. "those will knock you out for sure."

"maybe it's all this wedding stuff," y/n mentions. "the date's getting closer and closer, i'll be married in like 5 days."

"you're gonna be a married woman in 5 days, wow," he sighs.

she would only have 5 more days to meet up with mattia cause after she marries xavier, she's gonna have to move in with him, making it almost impossible to sneak out.

later that night...

after hector stopped by CVS to get those melatonin gummies he was talking about, he drove to y/n's house to give it to her. only he saw her walking to her car and pulling out of her driveway.

where could she be going this late at night? he thought. putting his car back into drive, he presses on the gas pedal and decided to follow her.

calling y/n...

hector: hey what're you doing right now?
y/n: i'm laying in bed, about to go to sleep.

hector raises his eyebrow. why is she lying to him?

hector: then can i stop by and drop off something for you? i bought some melatonin for you.
y/n: uh it's fine i'll just get them from you tomorrow.
hector: okay. goodnight.

he hangs up the phone and continues focusing on the road where y/n's car was just 30 feet ahead of him.

mattia and y/n didn't want to do anything extreme tonight, so they decided to go to the hills where they first met up. as she gets higher and higher up the road, she spotted mattia's car and parked right besides it.

not wanting to get too close, hector parked his car just a little further away and walked the rest of the distance. he saw y/n walking towards someone who sitting on the bench but couldn't figure out who it was from this far.

y/n's pov

"hey," i smile.

mattia stands up and gives me a hug, giving me kiss on my forehead. "how was your day?"

"good, now that i'm hear with you," i answer. i was about to lean in and kiss him until i heard a familiar sound of a gun click.

mattia heard it too and pushed me behind him before turning his body to see who it was.

"hector?" i shout.

"laying in bed huh?" he says, still pointing the gun at mattia. "let her go."

"saying that like i'm forcing her to stay with me," said mattia.

i walk in front of him knowing that hector wouldn't shoot me. "y/n move," hector demanded.

"no," i shake my head. "put the gun down first. then i'll move."

"should probably listen to her," mattia mumbles. "i don't like it when there's a gun pointed at me." hector didn't move. "alright then, two can play that game." mattia took out his gun and aimed it at hector. before i knew it i heard a gun shot, but i didn't know who pulled the trigger.

mattia was perfectly fine, and so was hector. i was confused.

"ow." i felt sharp pain on my waist so i touched it, but then felt something wet.

"oh my god i'm so sorry, i was aiming for mattia i swear," hector whispers.

"why would you shoot in the first place?" mattia shouts.

"cause i thought you were gonna shoot me," hector shouts back.

mattia runs up behind me and lifts up my shirt. "it's just a small graze, thank god. you could've killed her."

"well i wanted to kill you," said hector.

"i hate to tell you this but i think you missed."

"can you guys stop arguing," i order.

mattia puts his hand on my other waist. "i'll get take care of it, come on."

"no i did this, i'll take care of it," hector opposes.

"i think you've done enough," mattia snaps.

"i'm not letting her go anywhere with you."

"someone just do something it's starting to hurt a lot," i grit through my teeth.

mattia sighs. "i have a first aid kit in my car, hold on." he quickly jogs to his car.

"why are you here with him?" hector asks me. "after everything he's done, why would you still wanna be with him?"

"he didn't do anything," i say. "it's a long story but my dad lied to me about him."

"he's a panther," hector reminds me. "did you forget what they did to your mom?"

"of course i haven't."

"then why are you still hanging out with him," he yells.

"because i love him," i blurt out. hector's face drops.

mattia stops his tracks and looks at me with a shocked expression on his face.


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