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y/n's pov

"hey dad," i smile and give him a hug. this past week i got more comfortable with him that calling him "dad" just seemed right. we spent majority of our days together, whether it was getting to know one another, cooking, training, exercising, we just wanted to make up for lost time. and i'm proud to say mattia has completely slipped my mind. unless we talk about the panthers.

"hey sweetheart, what're you up to?" he asks.

"i rewatched mom's videos just now," i answer. "but i was wondering if you wanted to go on a run with me?"

"yeah sure let me change," my dad walks towards the stairs but then turns around. "oops forgot to tell give you something." he reaches in his bag and pulled out a rectangular box. "here you go."

i chuckle. "a phone huh? haven't used one for like 2-3 weeks."

"yeah well it's important cause i just bought my daughter her first phone."

"when do i get my first car though?" i joke.

"okay how about, after your first successful mission i will get you whatever car you want?" he says. "how's that sound."

"fine, even though i adapted to this lifestyle pretty well and i deserve a reward," i reminded him.

"i'm just worried you won't have the stomach for some things," he mumbles.

if he was referring to kill people then he's probably right. the first time i saw a dead body was when alejandro killed that man and i was pretty fucking traumatized.

"i don't really know if i can train you to be tougher in that way," said my dad. "we'll just have to see how your first mission goes."

"and when's my first mission?" i ask.

"tonight," he answers. "but don't worry i'll have one of my best soldiers accompany you."

i let out a deep breath. "what's the mission?"

"sort of like a robbery and kill type of night," he nods while smiling. "some people got in my way once. kill them, take whatever valuables they have and that's it."

"i'm nervous," i frown.

"maybe that run will clear your mind," he laughs. "we can go to the park, give me 5 minutes."

mattia's pov

"you okay?" alejandro asks me as i'm sitting on the couch, drinking multiple rounds of bourbon.

"it's funny how the one girl i cared about, never even cared about me," i scoff. "it's usually the other way around."

he takes the cup away from me and sets it afar. "it wasn't your fault. you couldn't have known. none of us saw this coming."

"but it is my fault ale," i disagree. "i'm your capo, i'm responsible for you guys and i let an enemy walk into our home blindly. i didn't even suspect a thing."

"like i said, none of us did. this on all of us not just you," said alejandro.

"i killed zoey for this," i shake my head. "a killed a soldier who's been here for more than 10 years over a girl i knew for 10 minutes."

"she had us all fooled," he mumbles. "i thought she was special too. that's why i slept with her."

i let out a small laugh. "she was good."

"oh she was good alright," alejandro nods, laughing. "we slept with the enemy but was it worth it?"

"no," i lie.

"yeah i know i'm disappointed in us too but that's in the past," he reminds me. "we just need to focus on what we can do now because we can't changed what happened."

"yeah.. you're right," i say. "time to go back to my old ways."

"back to our old ways."

y/n's pov

"you know, you're awfully fast for an old man," i say panting.

"i'm not that old," he laughs. "you want me to slow down?"

"race you to that tree," i shout and speed up my legs.

my dad ended up beating me but that was only cause he was already ahead of me by a little.

"y/n?" a female voice calls me.

i turn around and felt a warm feeling in my heart. "isabella, hi."

she runs up and hugs me. "oh my god where have you been? i've been so worried for you."

"dad, just keep running without me," i tell him. he nods and continues sprinting.

" 'dad'?" she furrows her eyebrows.

"we have a lot to talk about." the two of us sit down at a bench and i tell her everything. well, almost everything.

"so who were the people that kidnapped you?" she asks.

since isabella still works at the club it was dangerous for her to know it was mattia. "i don't know, i never learned their names. but they were the same people who killed my mom so that's why my dad gave me up, to protect me. and now he's finally found me after all these years."

"your mother... that's terrible."

"i know. but i'm going to avenge her," i nod. "this is my new life-- i was born for this."

"you're in a mafia yet you've been waiting tables at mattia's club this entire time," she laughs. "that's gonna be hard to transition into."

"oh by the way, you can't tell anyone you've talked to me. not mattia, no one. it's for safety reasons," i tell her. it wasn't a complete lie but i just couldn't have the capo of the panthers knowing about my whereabouts.

"i won't i promise," she assures me. "it's just really nice to see you again."

"i've missed you," i smile. "and i recently got a new phone so i'll call you okay?"

"okay." we stand up and give each other a hug before parting ways. "bye y/n."

"bye Is."


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