Chapter 35

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I woke up with Krystal draped over me, on my bed. SHE IS HERE IN MY ROOM, ON MY BED. SHIT! It was not a dream. Why did I think it was a dream? I pinched myself to check if I am really awake or not. Then I started to panic how she will react to this. As I slowly tried to unwrap her from me to get up, I heard some mumbles from her. I fell back and moments later I tried again, again receiving some incoherent mumbles. Why am I trying to get up so early on Saturday though? Oh right because I am sure once Krystal wakes up she is going to panic. I am sure. Especially if she wakes up on me. Which is still not making sense to me, considering there was a fucking gap between us when we went to sleep. Okay my right arm was in her captivity but still, how did she end up on top of me like blanket? Third time's the charm. I slowly tried again and failed, but this time Krystal replied something which I understood. And that calmed me down as well increased my heart rate. Weird combination!

"Abbie don't go." Krystal mumbled groggily.

So, I laid my head back down and put my arm on her back to hold her. She adjusted her head on my chest and was asleep again. I could tell from her breathing. But now I was in panic mode and sleep was the farthest thing in my mind. Yet somehow, I drifted off to dream land again. Only to wake up with Krystal moving on me. This time I think she is trying to get up without waking me, but her movements tell me she is not panicking. I opened one eye to see her looking at me, while her hands are on the bed beside me. I think she was trying to push herself up but failed miserably as she landed on me. I laughed at that and hugged her tightly, making her escape an impossibility.

"Abbie, I need to go the bathroom." She whined in her sweet soft timid voice. I kissed her head once and let her go. She almost rushed to the bathroom. Guess she really had to pee. She came out her face was flushed, and she was smiling but not looking at me. I knew she would panic....wait she is not panicking, she is blushing. Is this good or bad though? She slowly came towards the bed and sat on the edge of it. Her head hanging low, her neck is red now too.

"Krystal what's up? Are you okay?"

"Y-yes." She stuttered.

I sat up and pulled her back a bit on the bed and put my finger under chin to lift her head. Well now her whole face, neck and even her ears are red. Great! She looks so cute though. She closed her eyes so that she does not have to look at me. Whoa! Not happening!

"Krystal look at me. Are you panicking because of the position you woke up in?" I like to see her eyes so much. I had to make to her look at me. So, I could lose myself in her blue eyes. Well not lose maybe just stare at them...a little.

"Y-yes a-and n-no." Okay. The stuttering continues. The amount she is blushing right now I think the stuttering makes sense. Wait a second, she said no too. What else is bothering her then?

"Krystal what is bothering you?"

"Nothing." Stuttering's gone. Good sign, I hope.

"Krystal look at me. Tell me. I promise I don't mind. Whatever it is you can tell me."

"It's just that, this is your room, your bed. And I am here. At your house. It's very new.... For me. I don't know...... I feel...."

"You feel weird, out of place, embarrassed. Or something like that right?" She looked at me with wide eyes before slowly nodding.

"Say no more. Do you want to go somewhere then? I don't mind taking you. I just need ten minutes at least to freshen up. Is that okay?" I was already calculating how fast I could dress up and how I could excuse myself from breakfast this morning.

"It's okay Abbie. I uh... I will be here." She said scratching the back of her neck. I got up kissed her cheek and went to the bathroom to do the morning chores. When I came out of the bathroom, she was still on my bed hiding under my blanket while in the sitting position. That looked so cute. I went and hugged her over the blanket. She tensed a little and then slowly removed the blanket from her face to see, when she saw me, she wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek. And that brought back my electric current thing. Okay so her kisses sent the shock waves in me. Well that's bad. Isn't it?

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