Chapter 32

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I did not get grounded. Ade felt so guilty that she not only let me go to play, she also invited Sasha and Kelly back. She actually dropped me off at the school. She just wanted to spend time with me. I guess silent time as neither of us talked during the ride. Riley was super silent. But she stayed at my house, well she is supposed to stay the weekend. But after the show I thought she might leave. But she didn't. Not sure how I felt about it. Seeing as she lied that I left alone. But then again, I did not introduce Krystal and Riley. That might be the case. But still why would she lie about her friend, when she clearly saw me leave with another human being. Whatever. Krystal did not reply till late evening after practice. And she said what I already knew. That she would not be able to talk on the phone. She also said she almost got caught last night or today morning. I hope she did not get into trouble though. I asked her that and she just sent me a smiley. Like seriously!

Practice was good. The only time I had fun. I was enjoying myself. And I think we played for like an hour or so. I was so drained, we all were. Well the showers were not open as school was technically closed. I invited them back, they said they would after they shower and change. They took my address and looked at me weirdly. I guess now they know where I lived, more like who I live with. I was still so mad at Riley that when I saw her after I came back, I just went to my room and shut the door. I saw her following me. But I closed my door. I do not know if anyone said something to her. Truth be told I wanted an explanation why she lied but now I do not even want that. I am just so angry at her. I need to go to the junkyard.

Instead of showering I went out, more like stormed out the house. Like I almost did today morning. I did not notice if anyone saw me or heard what they were saying. I just headed straight to the junkyard. After beating on few metal pieces, I started to relax a little bit. Well I was still wired up, but practice and beating was catching up to me. Making me tired, or more like making my muscles tired. I was still on angry adrenaline high. I saw Riley and Ryan followed me there. Ryan did not say anything. He just took a wood piece and started hitting on metals with me while Riley stood there watching me. Gawking at me. She never saw me like this. She did see me get angry at Vincent, but I think this is new for her. Since it is technically directed at her. When I felt tired, I just went back without another word. I took a shower and came out to find Sasha and Kelly seated in the living room along with Riley and Jane. Where is Ade and Ryan? Well Ryan might need a shower as well. But Ade. I have not seen her after I jumped out of her car. She might think I am angry with her. Well I am but... I guess I am angry at both of them. I am angry at everyone. I am angry at myself as well. But Sasha and Kelly cheered me up at practice. And they are guests now here at Ade's house. I have to or at the very least civilized.

"Hey guys. You came." I tried to sound as cheery as I could be being anger still boiling inside me.

"Yeah well you invited us. Jane told me you were taking a shower." Sasha replied. Kelly just smiled at me.

"Yeah I was." I noticed Riley watching me with the same expression she had when she saw me in the junkyard. Ryan came out of his room with wet hair. I was right he did go for a shower.

"So, I did not know you lived here Trouble. Hey Ryan." Sasha said just as she noticed Ryan come out of his room.

"Who are you calling Trouble, Sasha?" Jane asked. She seemed genuinely curious.

"Oh, it's my nickname for Abbie." Sasha replied as if it's the most natural or a normal nickname for anyone.

"Abbie I am not sure I like it, but it is funny." Jane said to me with a look that clearly means she has no idea how to react to the name and also has no clue the reason for it. Does she? I hope not.

The Light House Girl.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora