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A/N- This is not a chapter.

This is just a poem I wrote in Abbie's voice. 

Vote and Comment to let me know what you think. 


A dilapidated tower,

The darkness of the night,

Sounds of heavy breathing,

Rapidly increasing heart rate,

The sparkling blue eyes,

The intense stare,

The broken look it holds,

The fragility in it,

Had my heart in captivity,

Squeezing it, pointing your way.

Made my legs run towards you,

To hold you in my arms,

And to never let go.

To take away all the pain,

To make the darkness disappear,

To engulf you in light,

And to protect you,

Even from all shadows that might scatter.

If only I had the light to offer you,

If only I carried the torch within me,

If only I could be the one to guide you,

Your path to happiness, smiles, and joy.

If only I could be the one to hold you hand,

To wipe away all the pain,

All the sadness that surrounds you.

The dilapidated tower,

The old remnants of time,

How you brought the one person to me,

That took away all the coldness of the night,

With just a single look,

A ray of sunlight seems to pass through,

Shining brightly amidst the dark surroundings,

Splitting open the fog to make its way,

Clearing away all the clouds on it toe,

Thundering its way through.

Oh dilapidated tower,

Oh object of the past,

How you change me to care,

For I find myself drawn to,

To the sparkling blue eyes,

Who seems to hold me in its stare.

The Light House Girl.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن