Chapter 3

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Wrong. That's what I was. I did not meet my mother. I met an empty house. Ryan took me to her address. Some old people were outside, what looked like they were lounging. Ryan just dropped me off there and went back to work. I guess he is busy guy! The old people started bombing me with questions as soon as Ryan left. I think he knew this would happen which is why he left. All questions were who was I? Also why did I remind them of Adeline? This made me think 'was I this hidden? Did she never mention me to anyone? Did she hate me this much that no one knew who I was?' It made me sad, but I don't get sad. I sucked up my tears and shouted some replies mind you very rudely might I add before marching to one of the 'lounge chairs' outside. Dropped my bag and fell asleep. How did I sleep there I have no idea? But I guess my body was exhausted from the struggles of the last 2 nights. And the lack of sleep, along with travel did not help my case. I woke up from the sound of my stomach growling. There was no one around. It was dark. I must have been asleep for hours. I tried to peek through the windows to see inside the house. To see for my supposed mother who lives here. But alas the place is empty. As empty as it was when Ryan first brought me here.

"Hey you awake. Good!" I turned to see a smug Ryan looking at me. He changed his clothes. Looks like he showered. He looks young now. Like he might be around my age. Huh he looked like he was at least 25 during the day. Did the nighttime change his appearance or is it my sleepy vision? Wait did he ask me something? Why is looking at me quizzically?

"Okay. I take it you are hungry." He heard a growl from my stomach. I would be embarrassed. I was but I was too tired to react to it. He brought pizza and offered so we ate it quietly, then he produced a case of beer and asked me if I wanted some. I was reluctant to take it. But after he told me my mother is not in town. I almost snatched two beers from him.

"So, Adeline is out of town for the day. But she sometimes goes away for a day or two every once in a while. No one knows why or where she goes. But you came during that time. I guess she got the date mixed up of your arrival."

"Must have been." I uttered thinking if my dad even called to let her know I would be coming. I have a feeling he thought I would figure it out when I arrive. I just can't see my dad not caring about me but then again when has he actually cared about me if not in the public eyes. My life sounds like broken sad story. But I am not sad. I am never sad. I cannot be sad. I mean for god's sake who will I cry and tell my story to? Okay this is pathetic. I need to do something. Hmm the beer feels good. Just like at the parties. He looks good. Maybe I should kiss him. I mean he is helping, and he is here. So why not. He is more or less sexy, and he does not look very old now. Wow my sleepiness along with beer is making Ryan insanely sexy right now. I lean forward and kiss him. I thought he would push me, guess he wanted it to happen. We kissed and soon we were making out. But I wanted more. I mean I am used to hooking up at parties and they never ask many questions. They used to at first but slowly they all became complied. Like all the guys at school knew I would choose someone. And never the same person twice. I guess even in my drunken state I was able to choose wisely. That's a joke. But in all seriousness, I hated being alone night after night at the mansion. I called it mansion as it felt like a modern-day castle where I am locked in. It was a two-story house with a swimming pool. Not that huge in size I guess but huge enough for me. I did not have a stepmom. At one point I thought even a cruel stepmom would be an improvement from this. But alas my dad was busy with whatever the hell he did. Also, I thought he had a hidden family just I did not know about. Actually, that would not be surprising. Wow I cannot believe I just thought this while kissing Ryan. He is a good kisser. I would give him that. As soon as I put my fingers on his waist he pushed me.

"Umm what exactly are you doing?"

"What do you think?"

"No. Just no. You are drunk, we do not know each other plus you definitely do not want to have sex with me if you know me. Not just getting to know me but also who I am. I know that does not make sense, but... Yeah, no. So, I am gonna go. You can sleep here or on the couch. No one will bother you, don't worry. It is safe and all otherwise I would not have suggested it."

"How could I get access to this magical couch if the house is locked dumb-ass?"

"Oh! I have a key. You should have asked."

"What the actual fuck? Open the door then. What are we waiting for?"

"Well I cannot trust you that is what we are waiting for. Also, not we, me. I am waiting to see if I should let you in or let you sleep on the porch bed. I get the feeling you do not respect boundaries much."

"That would be correct Lover boy."

"Yeah okay. You stay here. You are not going inside the house. Adeline can deal with you. Hopefully. She might need reinforcements seeing as how you acted few minutes ago. I am gonna go. Goodnight Wells."

Ryan literally sprinted from me. Wow am I that bad or did I just attack him. I mean it felt like he was into it. He kissed me, back didn't he? Oh well I will deal with him tomorrow. Tonight, I am sleeping. And I saw that he left the beer case with two more beers left. Well I should not waste them ha-ha. I drank and went to bed on the swing or as Ryan called it the 'porch bed'.

I woke up thinking today I get to meet my mother. I am hoping to provide she comes back from this mysterious trip of hers. Will she like me? Will she even recognize me? Oh, shit what would I do if she tells me to go away? I mean she did leave me once without caring or contacting me for all these years. How can I expect something from her? How could she even live her life without even contacting her daughter? Was I a burden to her as well just like dad? I might as well have no hope or expectation. At least this way I will not be hurt. Or get more hurt. I mean I cannot possibly say I am not already hurt. Why did I expect her to show up at the station? Oh, right cause dad said he called her and told her about my arrival. He said to wait for her at the station and she would pick me up. How stupid was I to believe him? Of course, he lied. He did not contact her. I doubt he even has her contact number. Why did I fall for it again? Oh, right the possibility of escape from him was too much of a high for me to keep my brain in a functioning capability. And now I am hungry again. I noticed a box at my feet with a note, 'Eat me when hungry.' Okay weird. But I am eating. Nice pancakes and bacon. Well they are dry no syrup, but it is food. I can go buy some, but I have no idea where shops are and from the looks of the town. It feels like nothing serves breakfast here. Suddenly I heard a car stop in front of the house and me. A woman got out. She could not be more than forty, but she looks younger. She has hair like mine light brown with golden tinge. She is currently facing away from me. Okay she looks like she could be my mother. I need to see her face to know. But she is not interested in turning towards me. Maybe I was wrong she is someone else. I kept eating from the box, looking down. My suitcase beside me and I am still situated on the 'porch bed'.

"Who are you? And why are you at my porch girl?" Wow her voice is so smooth. Who is this woman? I look up slowly to see her staring at me with wide eyes. Her mouth is open and her jaw seems to be touching her chest. She is shell shocked just like me cause as soon as I looked up, I saw an older looking me with some slight differences in facial features from age. Whoa my dad was right, I am a splitting image of her.

"Are you Adeline Cobwell?" She did not respond, "Hi. I am Abbie Wells, your daughter."

The Light House Girl.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن