Chapter Eleven/ Finale

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I wake up with a sore throat from being throatfucked by Anakin. It hurts to move the lower half of my body; I didn't think he didn't have enough effect on me to actually make me weak. I muster up the strength to sit up, sending aches through my body. I can't help but feel mezmerized by the way I felt when he was doing the things that he had done to me.

Footsteps storm the hallways, beeps and muffled voices being heard. Once in awhile, I could sense Anakin passing by, the breathing through his mask echocing through the hallways. There would be screams at night of other captured people, probably their dying scream. The door opens, a Storm trooper invading the room.

"Lord Sidious would like to speak with you." He says with a deep voice. Shivers run through my body hearing the traitor's name. The thought that we as a galaxy trusted him just to be betrayed by him is tragic. I'm just glad that I left when I did, else I would've been slaughtered like the rest.

He walks me down the halls, opposite of the way I went yesterday. We enter yet another large room, revealing a cloked man with a shriveled, pale face. A petrifying laugh escaping his mouth. "My dear child, why run from your destiny?" His voice echoes through the room.

"I-I don't understand?" I say out of confusion. "Your destiny is here, to be my apprentice. I can teach you the ways of the Sith, of the Dark Side. You can bring back your family that Anakin slaughtered." The idea to see my family again brings comfort, but this is exactly what Anakin had fallen for."My apprentice will be here any moment, and you shall strike him down, and take his place as ruler of the galaxy, along with me." This is all wrong. "I'm here Master, what is it you requested?" A muffled voice says from behind me, followed by the opening and closing of the large doors I entered through.

I turn to see Anakin, who removes his mask, revealing his dirty blonde curls, and perfectly sculpted face. He looks to me, just as confused as I. "What is she doing here?" In that moment, Palpatine chuckles. I feel my fight or flight rising as I look to Palpatine, who has the lightsaber Ahsoka gave me in his hand. My gut tells me to take it, and I always listen to my gut. Reaching out my hand, the force guides the lightsaber into my hand, igniting it as soon as it meets my grip. The y/l/c lightsaber illuminates the room, quickly followed by Anakin's red lightsaber. We look to one another, not really knowing if this is what we wanted to do, but Palpatine quickly intervenes with our moment.

"He murdered every single one of your family members. Starting with your mother and father, brutally murdered, then your sister and her family; her children. Dew it!" I look to Anakin, rage taking over me. His expression matches mine, but instead of being angry, it's his arrogance that's causing him to want to erupt. "And here I felt sorry for leaving you at the time you needed me most. What a joke." I say, causing him to become as angry as me.

"I felt guilty for you, for weeks. I was in pain for you. My heart ached for you. It was all because of that one night that I just happened to see you in my dream, i'm sure you saw or sensed me too." I said, teeth clenching. "I saw you. That's why I began to search for you. You allowed yourself to be a target, so I gave you those thoughts. Every guilty, lonely, anxious thought. I gave them to you so you could suffer like I did." He said, matching my tone.

With that, I leapt forward, clashing my lightsaber with his. An automatic kick in my stomach occured, causing me to fall to the ground. "You dare to attempt to fight me? How stupid of you, and here I thought you were already dumb." He says, jumping on top of me, pushing me down with the force. He lifts his saber above his head, and when he goes down to stab me, I ignite mine, blocking his hit. "And here I thought you were smart." I say, flares from the lightsabers flying everywhere.

He begins to force choke me with his mind, distracting me from the sabers. He has the opportunity to slash my side, but because his grip on my chest is gone, I slide my leg up and out from under him, bringing it on his shoulder, followed by my other leg. I connect my legs together around his head, using all the strength I have to twist, bringing me on top of him. Startled by my movement, his hold around my neck with his mind is lost, giving me the opportunity to breath and have the higher "ground." Although I wasn't taught by Obi-Wan, I always observed a thing or two.

In a snap, I'm reminded of what I'm doing. I'm doing exactly what Palpatine wants me to do; take Anakin's place. I know I don't have the power to kill Anakin, even if I tried, but this is my chance to show him who he should really be fighting. I grab Anakin's saber, throwing it across the room, along with turning off mine and attaching it to my side. Standing up, I force hold him down; taking all the strength I have.

"Anakin, I'm not going to fight you, this is exactly what Palpatine wants! Don't you see? He wants me to kill you! His own apprentice, someone who he used to slaughter the entire Jedi race; your friends. Your real friends. What would your mother think of you? She would be heartbroken Ani! We can take Palpatine, together! He obviously wants you dead, whats to say he wont take matters into his own hands?" I say as straight-forward as I can. "NO! NO! SHE'S A MEANS TO AN END! END HER ANAKIN, END HER NOW!" Palpatine screams from across the room in his pathetic attempt of a throne.

My grip on Anakin breaks, since he is too strong. I couldn't hold it any longer. He leaps up, saber gliding into his hands and igniting. "I'm sorry, y/n. I loved you. But you deserve this after everything." My heart drops hearing the words 'I loved you.' But I know this is it. I run for the doors, opening them with a forceful push, running down the hallways. Troopers are yelling, a couple of gun shots almost hitting me, some do. I turn the corner, making an immediate stop as Troopers block the hall. I turn around hoping there's a way I could run, but even more come from the corner. I know there's No Escape. I accept the fact I'm going to die.

And before I know it, they fire.

~~*The End*~~

A/N: The goal of this book was to have y/n (and/or reader) sadly die, but not all stories have happy endings, so this happened to be one of them. Hope you enjoyed it anyway :) Muah <3


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