Chapter Five

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It's been two days since I've eaten. I'm going insane. Anakin has already gone through several planets near me, taking several lives of ex-Jedi's and pedestrians. Even children, not a surprise since he slaughtered all of the younglings the day of the Jedi's demise. I have no idea if Scarif is next, and theres no time to prepare - so I've decided to pack up my things and leave. I'm not putting Luekha or her family at risk, so I leave a note behind.

I don't include where I'm going or what my plan is incase Anakin somehow obtains it. From here on out, I have to use skill and strategy-independently. I can't risk anyone else, so it's best if I go my own individual way.

My plan is to go back home for not even a day, to let my parents know I'm okay, but that he's still looking for me. I even have my own bounty search; preferably alive- for "reasonable credits." After I do, I'll take off from there and hide in one of the outer rim planets. I would go to Tatooine for the sole purpose of the sand, which Anakin despises for the strangest reasons, but there are too many snitches there.

Yavin, Mustafar, and Geonosis are all kind of risky planets, Naboo doesn't need their peace being disrupted once again, and theres no Jedi or Republic to protect me in Coruscant. I still have enough time to decide.

As I'm traveling across one planet to another, I see some TIE fighters coming from behind me. Of course I didn't plan on this, so I have no game plan. "You've got to be kidding me!" I say as one of them blasts my "ship" if you can even call it one. I've lost control of my control center, and I don't have enough time to fix it. The only thing I can prepare to do is crash into Alderaan.

I brace for impact as my "ship" collides with the atmosphere of the terrestrial planet, followed by another blast of a TIE fighter. D'lei is going to be pissed.


I wake up with a throbbing head, and aches coming from all over.

"You're awake." A woman's voice says, startling me. I look over to see an averaged height Togruta, young and beautiful. "It's actually about time, we need to start moving as soon as possible." I'm confused as to where I am, and who this young woman is, or even better- why she was helping me.

"You don't look so good. Maybe this'll help." She says, handing over a bowl of soup; sitting down on the cot next to me. I hesitantly take a spoon full before scarfing it down. "Hungry much?" She says before letting out a soft giggle. I have a feeling that I know her, but I can't recall.

"I'm sorry... who are you?" I say with much confusion. "Oh! How terrible of me. I'm Ahsoka, Ahsoka Tano. The only other remaining person besides you that Anakin is searching for." I nod my head slowly as I process my situation.

"You're Anakin's padawan... I'm so sorry." She looks down and I can feel the energy of the room become sorrowful. "Was."

We sit there for a moment before I sit up, putting my hand on her shoulder to reassure her. Her blue eyes meet mine and I smile in hopes of receiving one. But I don't. "He always talked about you. I knew it was wrong to feel that way towards someone, but I felt like it was okay when he talked about you. You were his hope.. and he would keep saying you'd come back.." This time, I look to the ground, my smile disappearing quickly.

"I was naive and young. I was selfish, and I thought leaving at the time I did was right. I regret it everyday."

"I'm sure you do, but we can't change the past. It's not your fault, just like I know there's still hope for him." She says, carrying a somewhat - sincere smile. "What even happened to you?" She asks.

"I just didn't want to be a part of the Jedi anymore. It was corrupt and I had enough of it. So I went to be with my family." I say, looking back up. "I left to be with my sister in Scarif, but it ended up not being safe there either, so I came back to say a somewhat final goodbye."  A sound goes off in the distance, interuppting our conversation.

"We need to go, they're here." She says, pulling me upward before grabbing some bags, tossing one to me. "You might want this as well." She says handing over a lightsaber.

"Holy - How'd you get a hand on this?" I say, running out the door with her.

"Let's just say I have a way with things." She says smirking.

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