Chapter Eight

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As I walk down the lone, grey streets; a cold breeze flows, breezing softly against my skin- making me shiver. I have to admit, being alone again sucks.


"Here, take my robe. I have warm blood anyway." Anakin says, handing me his robe with a smirk. He must've seen me shivering.

"Thank you. You know, you should be more gentlemen like more often. Maybe I'll actually start to like you." I say sarcastically, laughing.

"Oh shut up. You love me and you know it."

"You wish." I say back, laughing in his face.

"You know what, give me that robe back." He says in return, also laughing.

"Too late Skywalker, it's mine now." I say as he starts trying to grab it away from me, eventually causing us to fall on the ground, him on top of me.

Because we were so comfortable with eachother, this wasn't weird at all. He was still trying to get his robe back as I was smacking him. He gave up eventually, but came up with the idea to start tickling me. I was laughing so hard that I was crying, trying to stay quiet but unable to due to him knowing where my ticklish spots were.

"Ani!" I would laugh out, having to take breaths in order to stop laughing. "Stop it!" I'd laugh out as well.

I began to tickle him back, causing him to collapse on top of me. I had to push him off before we both started laughing, lying next to eachother.

"I'm still keeping it."


I didn't even realize I was wearing the robe he gave me, evidentally still fitting me. There's no hope. I have to keep thinking, in order to stop the guilt and feelings from waving in. I've walked for miles, not really knowing where I'm going.

What I would do to see his smile again. I think, eyes moving left to right as I'm deep in concentration. I stop in another quiet town, but this one has enough people to be in buisness.

"You there!" I hear a raspy man's voice coming from the left of me. I turn around, taking my robe's hood down from my head. "Can I help you?" I say, staring at the large Ishi Tib. "You- You're that girl Vader's looking for!" I panic as he pulls out a hologram, which pops up a storm trooper. "I'll be getting me a lot of money!" He says to me before telling the Storm Trooper of our location.

I run for it, pushing through galactic species of different kinds, apologizing. "Excuse me, coming through!" I've made it past the town borders, thinking I'm in the clear- until i'm shot straight in the leg. "Fuck!" I say, falling to the ground, covering my bleeding wound.

"We've got her Lord Vader." One of the Storm Troopers says before approaching me, grabbing my right arm harshly. Another one grabs my other arm, basically dragging me as my legs can't keep up as one severely bleeding and throbbing in pain. "Oh you're going to-"

"Shut up!" He says harshly. "Unless you want another wounded leg." They throw me into a metal ship, causing me to get a couple big bruises when I try to catch myself. As I try to get up, one of them hits my temple with the end of their gun, knocking me straight out.


I wake up in a cold inclosed metal room, putting my hand to my temple. When I pull my fingers away, I can see blood on them. "Shit... didn't have to hit me that hard." I mumble to myself as my head throbs in consant pain; reminding me that I was shot. I look to my leg, barely able to lift it. The bullet took a hole straight through my tight black pants on both sides.

What kind of bullet- I think, confused for the thousandth time today. I sit in the room, waiting for what's going to happen next. I'm most certainly not ready to meet him. Hell, I wasn't prepared for this. I don't have any game plan and I certainly lack the numbers to try and kill him. I notice that my lightsaber and things are gone, making me rage inside my head.

There's constant footsteps going past this room, each one giving me anxiety. I can sense who's outside the room, none of them being Anakin. I would sense him... I think. It's been so long that I don't know what he feels like anymore. I can bet it's nothing like it used to be. I wouldn't feel warm inside, nor happy simply feeling his presence. More like hatred and anger.

I want to scream for help, but I know I wouldn't be getting any here. I can't do anything in this small enclosed room besides look out a small, rectangular window. When I go to it, I realize where I am. Deep in space, far from any planets. Far from help. Vader got me. Anakin got me; and I'm terrified to know what he'll do next.

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