Chapter One

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"Senator Organa, I think that's hardly necessary. We have been working on this idea for years, we don't have the numbers to go through with this mission." I abruptly say, "We wouldn't stand a chance. Trust me. I know Anakin, if he was powerful then, he's even more powerful now. We need more time and strategy for this plan to work."

"I get where you're coming from, but the sooner we act, the better." I roll my eyes in disbelief as he completely disreguards my statement.

"The galaxy doesn't fear him for no reason. He was the Chosen one. Not just some regular jedi, but the most powerful to ever exist. We were completely blindsided by the Senate, and Emporer Palpatine. How would this be any different? They know everything, even if we think they don't. It would be a death sentence to even try to blow up the death star with space craft like ours. It's impossible."

I can sense he's frustrated, and that somethings on his mind.

"I just wish Padmé was still here, with us. She'd know what to do." That's another thing, I had no idea of what was occuring between Anakin and her, while we were best friends. I couldn't even sense it.

"I know, Bail. Me too." We sit there in a moment of silence, honoring her after they said she was "Murdered by Jedi on Coruscant in their attempt to flee." I knew it wasn't that, it was something more. The Jedi couldn't be capable of such.

"How about we continue this tomorrow when Mon Mothma arrives here. I'm going to head home and retire for the night, we have time, Bail. There's no rush."

He nods, and I head to my speeder, and go home. This plan is crazy, but I want revenge on behalf of the thousands of Jedi I once called Family. It wouldn't be the Jedi way, but the Jedi don't exist anymore, and I left that order long ago. It pains me deeply to know that Anakin could've been capable of such destruction and heartbreak. We haven't seen eachother in 7 years, and I doubt he even remembers me or even knows I'm alive.

When I get home, my family's already asleep, so I do the same. Although, I've had trouble sleeping for awhile now, my thoughts always disturbing me. The disturbance in the Force mainly. I may have left the order, but I still meditate among the force, it's not like it just goes away. It maintains my strength and sanity.

As I lay in bed, I can't help but think about Anakin. I get thoughts about him constantly, the same ones. I have no idea if he's changed, but he obviously has over 7 years. He probably got rid of the whole short hair, padawan braid look- considering he's a sith. I doubt any sith would keep that look, and I wonder what he's like now, he can't be awkward and shy being the most powerful man in the galaxy.

He's probably tall, sexy, muscular, or he could be the same.. I remember the one time we were on a mission in Hoth, when we were retiring for the night; he walked in on me undressing. Being awkward and all, he didn't know what to do. He was blushing, and repeating sorry a thousand times- but he kept looking back for another glance. Of course it was wrong as a Jedi but the look on his face, his eyes hovering over me, it felt right.

Nothing really ever happened between us, we were just best friends. Sure, I had butterfly's in my stomach sometimes when I'd see him, but that's what happens when you're 14.. right?

Thinking about him put me to sleep. As I was dreaming, I saw a tall, muscular man with dark blonde/light brown hair undressing from dark robes... almost like Jedi robes.. something was off. This didn't feel like a dream at all, it felt surreal. The man's toned back muscles flexed as the robe fell from his arms, leaving me in awe.

That's when the man stopped moving, and slowly turned around, revealing half of his face. This face looked very familiar in a sense, but I couldn't make it out. A scar was noticeably seen across his eye as he looked downward, his eyebrows furrowing. He mumbles something, a name, but I can't make it out. He's visabley confused as his eyes search the floor while his brain is trying to comprehend something.


I stand there, recognizing the voice that has deepened. It was Anakin's.

He quickly turned around, and as soon as he does, I wake up. The last thing I was able to see were his piercing blue eyes.

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