Make A Band!

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I sat on Calums and I bed plucking the strings of his bass, not even doing it right. Calum glanced in the room, seeing my hair falling over my face while trying to do some of the right notes from a song with Lyrics and notes on the sheet. My tongue peeked through my mouth, shooting in and out. Groaning I put it down and Calum made a little smile before walking in and coming over to me, He sat me in his lap the Bass now covering my lap. He grabbed my hand putting them over the strings, making my fingers flick the strings slightly. It making a low ring through my ears. I smiled, excitedly, Turning behind me to Calum and giving him a little Peck on the cheek. "here" he said, picking me up and giving me the sheets of music. I took them while he grabbed his bass. "She Looks So Perfect" I looked at the title of the song, I glanced at Cal and he looked back, "I'm writing this and I can't find a good enough chorus for it" he shrugged. "here wait a minute," I grabbed my music and found a good enough chorus. "You look so perfect standing there in my American apparel underwear, and I know now that I'm so down. Your lipstick stain is a work of art, I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart, and I know now that I'm so down. Hey!" I turned to face Calum after singing it. "That's perfect for it, How did you do it!" He exclaimed. I shrugged, "I wrote it but instead of She Looks so perfect I put something else there, but here it is being useful for something." He nodded until smiling and grabbing the music before putting the new chorus down and gripping my hand lightly and taking me down the stairs to where the other boys were. "GUYS GUYS" Calum got all their attention and said to them, "We got the chorus to SLSP, and with the help if Harley" he pointed to me smiling widely. "uhh uhm yeah I guess" "Can you sing it for us please Harley" Michael Pleaded. "Okay?" I questioned myself. I sat down and started singing the chorus, Luke playing the guitar that was in corner of the room, untouched. "wow that was great, perfect chorus for SLSP" All the boys replied together. "do you guys have a band?" I asked. "no we just really like to make music and sing" Luke answered for all of them. "You guys should make a band, you'll all be perfect." I threw my hands up in the air. "Yeah I think that would be cool, because we all love music deeply and make music. But it might never happen because who would take us." Calum said. "I would, they need to see your real side and anyway your not gonna get there so early it takes time and patience." I told them, "maybe start with posting things on YouTube and that stuff" I tried to Persuade them. "Lets do it!" Ashton yelled, stumbling over, I giggled. "YEAH LETS DO THIS!" All of the boys yelled, I clapped laughing quietly at their dorkiness. "Wait guys, what's are band name gonna be?" Luke asked. "How about bromance?" Michael replied, "ew no" I said bursting into laughter. "how about 5 Seconds Of Summer." I replied with. "oh I like that and it can be the longer version and the shorter version can be like 5SOS or something like that." Calum added in, I smiled him returning it. "Yeah I like that too" everyone agreed. "Whats everyone waiting for let's start this guys 5 Seconds Of Summer is in action" I Screamed. Everyone screamed too and went in for a big group hug, until Calum pulled me away and gave me a big, strong, wet kiss. "CAAAAALUM" I whined while giggling and wiping the spit off my face. "Lets celebrate guys" Ashton came in and took out sparklers bringing them outside, everyone following. He set one off and handed it to me, I looked at it cautiously before grabbing it. I yelped as it crackled and sparked. Calum came up behind me grabbing my waist, I stared in a deep trance at the beautiful sparks the stick was making. Calum lightly kissed my cheek, swaying side to side with me. I cuddled more into his chest, smiling softly as A day to remember played faintly in the background. I sang the lyrics quietly with him. My head against his forehead. Feeling that night was the best night of my life.

HIA guys how y'all be doing and MURRY CHRUSTMAS hope yu all got what you wanted, I didn't because Calum Hood wasn't under my tree, still pretty sad about that but yeah here is the next chapter to This fanfic.

-Isabel Outttt :)

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