{16} Warning

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The next morning my brother offered to give me a ride to school with his bike. It's something he's not used to and I know exactly why he did it. He just wanted to be closer to me after the incident with John.

In just five minutes I was outside of my high school. Aries stops his motorbike, and after I take off my helmet I leave it on my sit.

"See you." he says.

"See you." I answer.

I move towards the school entrance. I adjust my bag better on my shoulder and I take a breath. Another day. Another tough, judgemental day in high school.

As usual all eyes fall on me. Girls and boys look at me meticulously, whispering to each other. I keep walking, looking the concrete road in front of me that leads to the place where Crimes frequent.

Alex was with the others. They were sitting all together, laughing, shouting, getting all the attention, but they didn't care. When I arrived I didn't talk to anyone. I tried to stay estranged from the others but Alex came and stood in front of me.

"Who was that guy with the motorcycle?" he asks me.

"Why do you care?" I lift my eyebrow.

"Speak, was he your boyfriend?" he persists. Of course, it's known I'm dating my brother.

I roll my eyes.

"You've crossed every line." I say irritated and walk away from him. I end up sitting on a bench alone, waiting for the school bell.


Alex was sitting casually on the last desk, feeling like home, watching a movie. I was in the last desk as well but on the right side of the classroom, opposed to Alex, who was in the left side.

Alex was rarely found in a classroom. We had Math. The teacher was doing equations on the board. However the only thing I could hear was some girl's whispers. It happens every time Alex is in the class.

"He's so..." I heard one of my classmate's voice.

"I know!" her friend interrupts her. They were whispering trying not to be heard.

"It's said that he is sooo good in bed!" she tells her.

"Everyone says that!" she laughs.

I clenched my jaw. I tried to ignore them, but those bitches were so close to me. I had no choice but to listen to their bullshit. I was so annoyed with this whole Alex situation. I was jealous. I was stupid and jealous. If only I could control it. Stop caring about Alex, whether if he is dead or not.

My eyes fell on him. I couldn't get why I was the strange one, while Alex was not only in the Crimes but their leader himself and he had to be considered the sexy and the superior one.

Suddenly a piece of paper is thrown on my desk that pulls me out of my slumber. I look around to see who it is, but I never found the consignor.

I open it with suspicion.

'How does it feel like giving head to Alex?'

I read from within.

I breath mad. I tear it up a couple of times and leave it to the edge of my desk. How ridiculous the supposedly intelligent world seems to me. I laugh with those who are omniscient because they hardly know my name.

At that moment I started attending the lesson. I didn't know what was going on. Expand the expression. Expand. Evaluate the power. Evaluate. I was looking at the operations, my eyes wanted to blur. No, you had to first simplify the expression by multiplying exponents. Multiply exponents. God, I was tearing up. I was making up scenarios in my head that I get up, erase the equation and write how much of an asshole Alex is. I don't give head to Alex. I don't cheat on Alex. I don't dislike the whole school. I'm not that weird. And Alex shouldn't be every girl's dream guy. He shouldn't.

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