{3} She's Fine

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153 Days More


If someone asked us 'What is tiredness?', everyone would know how to answer. Fatigue. The situation in which a person finds himself after excessive work. He usually has a decrease in endurance and symptoms of weakness. More or less, all of us get tired every now and then, right? A few months ago, I was walking around the school corridors and I saw for the thousand time the girl in the loose clothes and the unkempt hair sitting alone in the classroom. She sat all alone during all the school breaks in the classroom. I took the liberty, encouraged by my curiosity, to ask her why she lives her life like this. She turned and looked at me. "I'm tired." she sighed. But I didn't understand her. She didn't run, she didn't even moved, she didn't work, she didn't.. didn't.. didn't.

I didn't understand it, I didn't think I would ever feel that way. But today I do. Exhaustion. You don't have to run to get tired. It's not necessary to work, to move, to fall, it's not necessary for your heart to beat faster. You can get tired by doing absolutely nothing. Be weak to laugh and cry. Let your emotions look like a distant utopia. Being overly exhausted to talk. So that only the sleep state favors you. So tired to claim your rights, to stand on your own two feet, to fight for those you love. So if you are asked what tiredness is and you haven't experienced any of the above, please answer ... 'I don't know'.

"Eva!" I heard my mum calling me, breaking my connection with my keyboard.

I signed closing my laptop annoyed.

"Coming."I yelled back. I went downstairs to the living room.

"John is about to come. I need to go. I'm leaving the keys here for you to open the door when he arrives." she said, shaking the keys in front of my face.

"But wait a second. Aries is not here. Why is Jo.."

"Honey, he will be here soon. This is none of our concern." she interrupted me more intensely and angrily as she left the keys on the table.

"Fine.." I signed and sank on the couch. I grabbed the remote control and blandly turned on the TV.

I heard the door behind me closing in a rush. It must have been my mother who left.

I started constantly changing channels and skipping the indifferent and boring commercials. The TV plays twenty-four hours a day. Then why does it always have to show nonsense only when I decide to watch TV? If I had big imagination, I would say that the companies have agreed against me.

The bell woke me up from my slumber and lifted me off the couch. It must be John.

I opened the door and stepped aside to let him come in.

"Oh hi Eva!" he smiled surprised by my presence.

"Hi.." I answered and smiled back.

"Aries..?" he asked scanning the house for him.

"He'll be here soon." my voice stopped him from searching the house.

"I see. He's probably with his chick, again." he laughed.

I bugged my eyes, not being able to keep myself from smiling. I started fake coughing to hide my awkwardness. My brother never talks about such things.

The door opened unexpectedly. Aries rushed into the house in a hurry, knowing he was late. I felt the cold from outside invade the warmth of the house.

"I'm here." he said abruptly and hung his black jacket on the wooden hanger.

"Yeah.. we can clearly see that." John replied and took some steps back for my brother to pass.

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