{2} We are the Crimes

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After a while I take my way back home. The neighborhood's streets are constantly the same without any particular change, so I found myself walking on the wide road, crossing the same buildings and places. Passing by 'CoffeU' my gaze fell on my brother and John.

I bowed my head, pretending I didn't see them. Suddenly I felt the grip of someone on my wrist. I turned around in surprise and saw my brother.

"Kiddo, do you have any money?" he whispered.

"Don't you have any?" I sighed, searching for change in my pocket.

"I forgot.. come on! Chop chop." he said and spread his palm waiting for the money. I managed to dug out some, so I gave it to him.

"Imma go order." he said palely and got up from his chair.

I observe him going inside the building. I turn my back and start walking away.

"Why don't you sit with us?" John's voice makes my blood freeze.

His 6 words provoked me. I can't remember the last time I hanged out with someone except Crimes. It's sad to forget what it's like to laugh carefree with someone.

I miss the absurd conversations and the hints we randomly threw at each other. I would love to sit with them, but it's impossible as long as Alex is in my mind 24/7.

"I don't think it's a good idea." I replied and started walking away.

"Only for 10 minutes." his persistent voice stopped me again.

I looked around worried, scanning the whole place lest Alex be somewhere here.

"Uhm.. okay. I guess." I gave up and sat down.

"Do you mind?" he shows me his cigarette.

"No, I'm used to it." I replied.

"From who?" he lets the smoke escape his lips.

"From... my.. friends." I hesitantly answered referring to Crimes.

"I heard you aren't really sociable." he said with a small smile on his face.

"I guess.. you heard right." I replied with my eyes starring for no reason at the table.

He looked away whickered and moved his cigarette away from him.

"Do you know what I like about you?" he asked me. I laughed flattered.

"The fact that you are so mysterious." he answered forming a weird smile on his face.

His words sounded dull to me, when I caught Alex approaching us.

My body instantly freezes. It's as if someone had tied me with tight ropes that scratched me. My every move would be futile. And the closer he got, the more my pulse increased, which I now believe its intention was to make me bruise.

"Oh hi you guys! What's up?" he simply says and rests his hands on the table. His eyes stare at me and shine with the rage he, in vain, tries to cover.

"You, come with me, we need to talk." he approached me. He pulled my arm forcing me to get up. He took me away from the cafeteria, to a nearby alley.

In seconds he pushed me against the wall, trapping me with his arms.

"What the fuck have I told you?" he raged. I did my best to speak as the fear had even concurred my voice.

"To only talk to the Crimes." I answered with a knot in my throat.

"Bravo! Did you follow the rule?" he asked again rhetorically.

"NO!" he shouted and raised his hand, slapping me with force. My face turned to the other side and my eyes locked in pain.

"Go home. Now you know what happens if you break the rules." he said and walked away from me. I sighed defeated and obeyed him, as always, walking home.


When I finally arrived at the house, I closed the door behind me and heard the kitchen sink running. I approach and see my mother washing the dishes. She gives me a fleeting glance and I smile at her trying to hide the sadness and the sharp pain from my face.

I go upstairs and reach my room. I look in the mirror and let out an uncontrollable sob. I try to hold back my tears. I wipe those who have already started to threaten my cheeks. I then go under my blankets.

The only thing I do when I'm at home, is just staying in my room for as long as I can. I know it sounds lonely. It is. But I love the feeling of security my four walls offer to me.

I took my laptop in my hands. I saw most of my notifications, as I never had time to see them all. I decided to write another blog, since it was the only thing I was good at.

I had about 200 new comments from yesterday and 50 people who had shared my blogs. Most of the comments were positive. I loved the fact that I was welcome somewhere, even through the Internet. I was filled with satisfaction every single time I heard people talking about my blog in school or in the streets. It was famous. But above all, it was the anonymous, complex thoughts of a simple teenager.

Hey everyone. I hope everyone is okay. I'm warning you, I will get into the subject briskly. What I've noticed in people is that they hurt someone either when they're jealous or afraid of them. Sometimes both. Am I wrong? There is no need to be afraid of being hurt. There are times when people make you fear of your own self, scared of losing your balance. And some people are only good at balancing. Anyway..

I was planning to write more. Every time I start writing my fingers are on fire. My head was full of sentences as if the keyboard was a painting canvas full of colorful thoughts by MissAnonymous. But Panos messaged me and drew my attention, so I decided to answer.

Panos: You done already?

How did you know I was writing? :Me

Panos: Because every time you write, you ignore me.

Nah. Sometimes I'm just ignoring you. :Me

I type with a smile on my face. I like teasing him. Panos was one of the best people I knew, my best friend. He didn't write blogs. He claimed he just read them. He is a great guy. We had exchanged thousands of thoughtful discussions and opinions. Only we could understand each other. However, I've never met him, although I was dying to do so. The time passed pleasantly with me exchanging messages with him. He knew how to keep you from getting bored. We started cursing Alex and he kept telling me for the thousandth time to stay away from him.

Hello everyone. Second chapter. I've decided to publish a chapter every Friday. So here it is. Hope you like it. I hope you stay safe and everyone is okay. Please spend your time by doing things you love. Mental and physical health are equally important! Enjoy the chapter with some music.
Thank you. Have a nice day/ night. Ly.✨💕
⭐+💬 ⬅️ :3

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