OVA: Christmas Special

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Yue dashed into the guild hall while I struggled to keep up with her. "Merry Christmas!!!" She screamed.

Everyone smiled and cheered. "I has presents!" Yue squealed, opening up the sack that she was carrying. "Daddy, bring 'you know what' out."

I concentrated and a plate with a dome over it appeared. Erza's eyes widened. "Kirito-kun...is it really?"

I burst out laughing. "Yep, it's your favorite." I lifted the dome to reveal a huge strawberry cake with the Fairy Tail symbol in the middle. You could practically see Erza's eyes sparkling.

"Cake..." She murmured, taking out a sword. Everyone backed away as I held out the cake. Within seconds, Erza had sliced up the cake and served them on plates.

Everyone grabbed a slice of cake and sighed. "Arigato, Kirito-kun!!! This is the best cake I've ever tasted!" Wendy grinned.

I patted her on the head. "Thank Genesis," I winked. I left her slightly confused yet happy as I made my way to Yue, who had begun handing out Fairy Tail ornaments. "Yue, it's time I gave my present to you," I smiled.

Yue put her hands on her face dramatically. "For meeeee?!" She jumped up and down. I nodded, chuckling.

"Close your eyes..." I said. Yue shut her eyes immediately. I walked to her back and focused my magic into it. A pair of sparkling light purple wings sprouted from it, shining. When Yue opened her eyes, she was confused.

"Daddy, what just-" Yue gasped. She squinted as the wings started to vibrate.

"Pretend you have muscles in your wings, and try to move them," I instructed what Leafa told me when I first entered ALO.

Yue began to levitate off the ground, and soon, she was flying all over the place. 'Wow...she's a lot better than when I started,' I thought.

She flew back down and hugged me tightly. "Arigato, Daddy!" She said. I shrugged it off and grinned. Thanks to the power of Genesis, I was able to allow Yue to fly without a controller. Lucky, huh? And now she had two pairs of wings. Her default ALO wings, and her special wings...which I still don't know that much about.

While Yue practiced flying and handing out ornaments, I headed towards Happy and Natsu. "Oi, Kirito-kun! Merry Christmas!" Natsu waved.

"Gommenasai...I don't have anything to give you..." Happy pouted. I laughed.

"That's okay. But I do have a present for you and Natsu." I waved my hand and a giant table covered with food appeared. I could easily tell Natsu was drooling, while Happy had begun to chow down on fish.

"ARIGATO KIRITO-KUN OMG THE FISH," Happy mumbled as he continued eating. I left the two to eat alone as Erza bumped into me.

"Kirito-kun! Alas, I must give my present to you!" She handed me Elucidator and Dark Repulser.

"E-eh?! How did you get-oh, never mind." I waved it off as I sheathed them.

"I gave them a slight upgrade. Oh, before I forget..." Erza touched my forehead and bursts of information streamed into my brain.

"Requip...wow...so I can now use those armors that you made me in SAO?" I asked.

Erza nodded. "Although you must go through extra hard training, you hear me?!" She yelled. I saluted and gave her an 'aye'.

I quickly made my way outside, where I stumbled upon Gray, who was heading inside. "Hey Gray, what were you doing outside?" I questioned.

"Ah...just paying my respects to my former teacher. She died," Gray said, shrugging, though I could tell there was a glint of sadness in his eyes.

"Mm...that reminds me, I should go pay my respects..." I murmured. Gray patted my shoulder.

"Well, Merry Christmas." He said as he walked back into the guild. After a few minutes, I realized I had been standing there for quite a while, frozen in place. I snapped out of it and walked further away from the guild.

When I had found an isolated place, I closed my eyes and a tombstone appeared. Words began to carve themselves into it. When I was satisfied, I lay down some presents. The stone read,

"In memory of the players who died playing SAO. Rest in peace."

"Merry Christmas..." I said quietly to all of them. Then, I slowly headed back. After walking a few steps, I stopped.

I took out a small note that was folded up. After taking a deep breath, I let it fly into the sky. Then, I ran back to the guild. On the way, I thought about what I had written:

"Dear everyone,
I'm sorry that I won't be spending Christmas with you all. I don't know how to get back, but just remember that you guys will always be in my memory.


I smiled, satisfied with my actions. As I entered the guild, I returned to the happy laughter and cheers of my family. I closed my eyes, grinning. 'I love you, minna.'
Hey minna! Originally I wasn't going to write this, but then I was like "why not, everyone's doing it", so...yea ^^

Merry Christmas to everyone! Arigato for a great year!


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