Chapter 7

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" knew him?!" I asked, surprised.

"Y-yea, Daddy. I can't really remember everything, but I remember that he was there for me. He told me that even the sky wasn't the limit for me, he-" Yue paused.

"He was my best friend."

"Wait...if that's the case, what grudge does he hold against me?" I wondered.

"I don't know, Daddy. I-I just...I'm so confused!" She cried. She ran into my arms, sobbing.

'Maybe...just maybe...he works for Acnologia?' I thought.
I flew over to Fairy Tail. Yue was too upset to budge, so I left her there. I thought a bit of rest would help calm her down.

As I walked through the entrance, Erza walked towards me with her arms crossed. "Explain. Now."

I sighed. "Not yet. You have to answer my question first."

Erza frowned, then said, "I'm listening."

I took a deep breath. "Who is...Acnologia?"

Erza's face immediately showed shock, rage, and pure hatred. Everyone in the guild hall froze. Some looked mortified out of their minds; others didn't even dare to utter a word.

"Um...did I say something wrong?" I shifted nervously.

Master burst out of his room. "Please, Kirito. Do not mention that name in the open. Come to my office and we can discuss."

I reluctantly followed him into the room while everyone gave me nervous looks. Master Makarov motioned for me to sit down, and he crossed his fingers.

"Acnologia...The Black Dragon, or the Dragon King. He was once a human some 400 years ago, when there was a Dragon Civil War. Some dragons wanted to coexist with humans, others did not. That's what started the war. The dragons that wanted to coexist gave some of their magic to humans, and they became dragon slayers. One was Acnologia," Master paused.

"So all those dragons that I heard about from the others...they gave up some of their magic, right?" I asked.

"Correct. Now, some dragon slayers forgot that they were fighting for coexistence, and they began killing the dragons. Acnologia also became keen on doing that. Every time he killed one, he bathed in its blood. Then, because of that, he became a dragon himself. I've heard that after we defeated Tartarus, Acnologia went into hiding. People say he's been locked up with magic, yet I've heard other rumors stating that there was some way to break that seal..."

"But why does Fairy Tail hate him so much?" I questioned again.

"Well, once when we were at Tenrou Island for a S-Class Exam, Acnologia attacked us. Had Mavis not come, we would've been dead. We couldn't forgive him after he first almost killed Gildarts, then the rest of us," Master explained.

"Wow...that's a lot to take in..." I didn't mention that the Midnight Katana members worked for Acnologia. Perhaps it would be better to keep that to myself for now...

I quickly thanked the Master and quietly slipped out of the guild. I promised I would explain to Erza, but I was tired. Yue said I should've slept on the train, but I was too busy thinking...and plus, I didn't want Natsu to throw up on me. Also, I promised him that we wouldn't take the train. Oh well. I flew towards the house and entered.

As I walked into the bedroom, I saw that Yue was sleeping. I smiled to myself, then closed the door. I'm sure she would still like a bit more time alone.

I entered another bedroom and jumped on. After staring at the ceiling for a good 10 minutes, my mind finally drifted off to sleep...

'So, my son, we finally meet. It's too bad we can only meet in your dreams.'

I turned around to see a magnificent whitish-gray dragon, with feather tufts on his head. Scales decorated his entire body onto his large, outstretched tail.

"You keep calling me that. Am I really your son? Because I remember clearly that my parents...died..." I frowned at each word.

'Ah, yes. You see, the relationship between Dragons and Dragon Slayers is different. They don't really have any relation, yet dragons sometimes take children under their wing and teach them their magic,' he explained.

"I don't exactly remember that..." I said.

'Well, that was when you started to become engrossed in online gaming. Remember that dragon you saw in the game? I created that game to find you,' he chuckled.

Images flashed in my head. " were there," I mumbled.

Genesis smiled. 'I have always been watching over you, son.'

"But how come I haven't seen you all these years? I've heard that the other Dragon Slayers saw their dragons again when they were working to defeat Tartarus," I continued.

'...You see, I was considered a powerful dragon. I know, all dragons are powerful, yet...I had power that people worshipped and feared. Now, I never used this for evil: I've always used it to the benefit of both dragons and humans. However, some humans believed my power was too great, that if it ever fell into the wrong hands, it would destroy the whole world, maybe even universe...' Genesis explained.

'...So, I was sealed with magic by many dragon slayers. Now I do not know how they managed to do it, but for at least 400 years I haven't been able to escape,' he added.

"Does that mean....I'll never really get to see you?" I whispered sadly.

'Correct, my son. Although I can talk to you through your dreams. Yet...connecting is difficult. Acnologia knows. He seeks you. Because you...are the key to his awakening.'

"Yeah...well I'm not anything special."

'Of course you are. I've searched through your memories, and you know that voice that was talking to you? It'll be back to say more. I do not know who the voice really belongs to, however, what it told you is the first verse of a prophecy.'

"A...prophecy? So pretty much I'll be involved without my consent?" I pouted.

'Do not worry, son. I b-I b-el-lie-ev-ve...' With that, the connection cut off.

I automatically opened my eyes, and I woke up. I heard a shattering noise. With no time to look back on the dream, I hurried towards the sound. 'No...that's where Yue is!' My mind shouted.

As I burst through the door, I smelled it. The same scent that lingered around the injured bodies of Team Natsu.

Yue was backed away in a corner, while a figure covered in a cloak and hood advanced on her.

"It was you! No one gets away with hurting my nakama, and I'll especially make the pain tenfold if you hurt Yue," I snarled.
Heyo~ ^_^

Merry Christmas, everyone! Two updates as a present! Yay ;)

This kind of felt like a filler chapter, although it did clear some things between Genesis and Kirito, no?

Lots of drama ;) Who's the mystery person? What more does he have in a relationship with Yue? Will Acnologia get his hands on Kirito? Uh...I meant claw-things...uh...

Uh...I'll just, uh...bye...

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