Chapter 24

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{Harry's POV}

I looked in the window of the station and watched as an officer wrapped a blanket around Niall. He was shaking and had been since I got him to my car.

I knocked on the window slightly and he looked up at me quickly looking back down at his feet. I sighed walking back towards the waiting room seeing Liam standing there. "Li? What are you doing here? Is Will okay?"

"He's doing better not great but better. I left him with Louis. How is Niall doing?"

"He killed Evan.. He won't even look at me. He thinks that he did something wrong.."

"He was kidnapped and tormented and he thinks that he did something wrong?" Liam shook his head.

"I keep trying to tell him that it was self defense but he refuses to listen to a word I say I don't know what... " The sound of screams filled my ears and Liam and I both took off towards the room Niall was in.  I opened the door and sat him standing on one of the chairs. "Niall baby get down from there"

His head snapped towards me his eyes a darker shade of blue than I've ever seen before. "You stay the hell away from me"

I took a step back and he slowly got down from the chair on his own. I looked at the officers and they got the message leaving the room along with Liam. I slowly took a step towards Niall who backed himself up against the wall. "Baby what's wrong..."

"I want to leave"

"I know you do, but the police want a statement from you explaining what happened"

"What makes them think that I would want to relive something like that. I killed someone Harry... On purpose this time. I'm a murderer" he sunk to the floor hiding his face in his knees. I walked over sitting down in front of him.

"You were only protecting yourself Niall. He would have killed you if you didn't" I placed my hand on his check and he looked down closing his eyes.

"I can't live like this Harry... It's only going to get worse..." His chest rose and fell and I sighed kissing his forehead. I didn't know what I could do for him anymore. I stood up and held my hand out to help him up. He grabbed my hand and stood up running his fingers through his hair. "Take me home... Please" he pleaded with me and I nodded.

I grabbed his hand and led him out of the station not bothering to say anything to anyone. I held his hand as tight as I could as I lead him to my car. I opened the door for him and he got in and I shut the door.

I got in the car and started the car pulling out of the parking lot. I drove off heading towards Niall's house and grabbed his hand intertwining our fingers. I kissed the back of his hand and a flash of lighting struck the sky.


{Niall's POV}

I woke up then. The bright light of the hospital room shining down on me. I sat up slowly seeing that both my dad and my brother were sitting beside me. I closed my eyes again expecting them to disappear but they didn't.

"Dad he's awake!" Greg yelled running to my engulfing me in a large hug. My head was racing but I didn't know what to focus on first.

"What happened"

"Don't you remember the crash?" Greg asked me sitting down in the seat next to me. I nodded.

"You slipped into a coma once you made it here. You've been out for months Niall" he rested his hands on my forehead and I groaned. A doctor walked in looking at me and smiled at me.

"You're awake how wonderful..." he walked over to me checking my vitals.

"I made everything up?" I asked no one in particular

"Excuse me" the doctor asked

"I swear, Greg died.. And I met this boy and we fell in love and then I was kidnapped. It felt so real..."

"Well Niall while a person is in a coma a person's brain doesn't shut off. It continues to run creating it's own scenarios and stories to keep it from shutting down. That is until something triggers the brain into waking it up" I sat up a bit shaking my head. Could it have been the lightning? "I will be back to check on you in about an hour or so" he smiled and turned around

"Wait" I called out to him.  He stopped and turned around. "What's your name?"

"Harry" he smiled at me and turned around leaving the room.


GhostNiall does it again. Every book ends in a plot twists. I think this one kind of explains itself. Niall was in a coma the whole time and imagined everything including Harry and their romance. Sorry I have been speaking to some other writers and we all thought that it would be a nice change of pace if a story didn't end with a happy ending like a lot of story's do.

Please comment

I may do a last chapter. I think it's weird to end a book with 24 chapters. So I'll do another chapter but it's just going to be a continuation of after Niall has woken up from his coma.

Comment what you thought.
Fan :)

Kik: NiallerHoran99

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