Chapter 16

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{Niall's POV}

        I looked over my shoulder as I walked into teh school hearing the sound of a very loud motorcycle behind me. I walked deeper into the school trying to get away from the terrible noise. I hadn't been able to sleep much since the night everything happened at my house. I walked down to my locker opening it putting my bag in it and turned around seeing Louis walking towards me.

        "Well hello stranger" he smiled

        "Hey Louis" I waved shutting the locker behind me.

        "So I heard the Styles paid you a visit. How did that go?" he asked a bit to curiously. What was he hinting at?

        "Uhm we watched a few movies and that was about it. Why was something else supposed to happen" I asked as we walked down the hall. He shrugged seeming a bit disappointed with my answer. "Louis?"

        "Sorry I just, It's none of my concern. I can't say anything" Louis mumbled

        "Well you can't just expect me to let this go. You're acting very weird and I'm not sure as to why." I said walking into homeroom with him. I wasn't just going to let him bring something up like this and not tell me what it was about. We sat down and Louis shook his head.

        "Look you are one of the first guys that Harry has shown interest in since well I don't even remember his last boyfriends name. He's just so mesmerized by you and Liam and I both know that you two are just...meant for each other. Even if neither of you will take the first step to becoming more than friends" Louis sighs and I nod.

        "I don't know Lou"

        "There's nothing for you to know Niall, you love him" he says before throwing his hands over his mouth.

        "What? I never said that" 

        He let his hands fall onto the desk and groaned. "Curse me and my big mouth..." I waited for him to continue. "Neither of you had to say anything. Anyone can see the way you two look at each other, it's obvious to everyone but you two. Or it's obvious to the both of you and neither of you will admit it" I rested both my elbows on the table and hid my face in my hands. "So I'm right?"

        I nodded. He was right but I couldn't just say something like that to Harry. Sure Louis said that he felt the same but I didn't know that and I didn't want to put myself in the position to make a fool of myself. Louis patted my shoulder and looked up as Liam walked into the class. "What did you do to him?" I hear Liam ask

        "What makes you think I did something? If anything I helped the poor lad"

        "By doing what exactly?"         

        "I made him realize that he is in fact in love with Harry" Louis said proudly. I sat there blocking out the rest of their conversation thinking about what I was going to do. It was bed enough that I couldn't seem to get my brother out of my head but now I had this. Something else to add onto the list of things that make Niall insane.

{Harry's POV}

        I sat in my kitchen watching the girls as they ate lunch. Our mom was sleeping on the couch when the girls got hungry so I decided that it would be best that I cooked for them instead of waking her. "You girls done?" I asked watching as they both pushed their plates away from them. They nodded and I grabbed their plates placing them in the sink.

        "Can we go in the back yard and play?" Lizzie asked. I looked into the back for a second before nodding. Both girls ran towards the back door going outside and I unlocked the door so that they would be able to come back inside when they needed to. I grabbed my phone off the counter seeing that the school day had started and sent a quick text to Niall.

        You should come over after school

        Not expecting him to reply any time soon I set my phone down walking into the living room seeing that my mom was beginning to wake up. She sat up moving the blankets off of her and looked up at me. "What time is it dear?"                

        "A little afternoon, don't worry the girls and I have eaten. I made lunch and if you're hungry there is food for you in the fridge" I reassured her and she smiled.

        "You have been such a great help around the house Harry...Thank you so much" she said standing up to her feet sliding her slippers on.

        "No need to thank me mom. It's what I'm here for, but the girls are outside and I'm going to go for a run. I will be back in a bit" She nodded walking past me entering the kitchen, and I walked down the hall to my room. I walked into the room grabbing a pair of shorts and a random green t-shirt. I changed grabbing my water bottle walking back into the hall. I checked in on my mom and sisters before leaving the house running down the street.

        I ran listening to the sound of the wind as it blew around me. The fresh air felt good biting at my skin, as I started to pick up my pace. I hadn't been able to run in so long the feeling was starting to become foreign. I ran around the block a few times before deciding to take a breather, I looked around seeing that I was about 10 minutes from my house. I walked the rest of the way to cool down.

        I walked up my steps going back inside seeing that the house was now empty. I saw a note on the small whiteboard near the door seeing that my mom had taken the girls to the movies to make up for her being so down. I went into the kitchen grabbing some water pouring a bit on my head before drinking some. I sat at the counter pulling my phone out looking down at it seeing that Niall had replied to my text message.

        I'll come over :) Invite the boys or no?

        I chuckled hitting the button to reply.

        No don't invite them. We don't want to make them feel awkward now do we beautiful

        I jumped off the counter walking into the kitchen cleaning up a bit. School was letting out soon meaning that Niall would be here before I knew it and I needed to be ready for him.



I cut this chapter short because I wanted to kinda space it out a bit. So bear with me and chapter 17 will be up before you know it.



Fan :)

Kik: NiallerHoran99

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