Chapter 15

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{Harry's POV}

        I looked down at Niall as he watched the TV watching whatever movie that he had put on. I hadn't been able to concentrate on it though. Not with him being so...mesmerizing. How was it possible? For one person to be so perfect. I shook my head and focused my eyes on the TV once again.

        "Shouldn't you be heading home soon?" he asked looking up at me. I looked down at my watch seeing that it was getting rather later and sighed. "I'll take that as a yes then" He sat up so that I could stand but I didn't move. "Well aren't you going to move?" Niall asked and I shook my head and he laughed.

        "I was quite comfortable actually" I chuckle and he smiles.

        "I'm glad that you were comfortable, but you should get home. We don't want your mom worrying about you now do we?" he asked and I kissed him to shut him up. He was right of course but I didn't want to hear it. "Don't kiss me when you want me to stop talking" he said not bothering to remove his lips to mine.

        "Well what does it matter it didn't work" I laugh and he pushes me back. "Hey hey hey no pushing. I'm going now" I stand up and kiss Niall's forehead. As I turn to head towards the door he grabs my hand turning me around.

        "Are you coming back to school yet?" I shake my head and he shrinks a bit but quickly recovers. "Then I will see you when you're free" he smiles.

        "Of course beautiful" I smile turning around waving as I walk out of the house. I run my fingers through my hair as the rain runs through it as I walk to my car. I unlocked the doors getting in and sat there for a second thinking about what it would be like once I got home. I knew that the girls would more than likely be asleep but my mom, she would be up. Sitting near the window as if she was waiting for him to come back. Waiting for him to come home and hold her telling her that everything was alright. We both knew that, that wasn't going to happen and it killed her. It killed me seeing her like that.

        I looked behind me as I pulled out of the driveway turning down the small road into the small pit of darkness that the sky held.


        I walked into the house not hearing much of anything. I slowly shut the door behind me and heard the sound of glass smashing. I ran towards the noise seeing that it was my mom in the kitchen. She had dropped a cup at her feet and she was crying. Her hands covered her face, and I knew that she was having another break down. I slowly walked over to her trying to kick some of the glass out of the way. I wrapped my arms around her and it was as if she melted in my arms.

        She cried holding onto my shirt and I just sat there and attempted to comfort her. Her tears stained the shirt I was wearing and once she noticed she quickly retracted from me. "Harry...Your shirt...Let me wash it"


        "Harry just"

        "I can do my own laundry. Just go lay down for a bit okay" I said. She looked at the mess for a second and I shook my head. "I will clean that as well. Just please go lay down on the couch or in my room" She nodded standing up walking into the living room. I stood up grabbing the broom sweeping up all the glass from the floor placing it into the trash. This is why I couldn't go to school. I had to watch my mom, and my sisters. Someone needed to be here when they needed comfort.

        They usually had my dad for things like that but things are different now and I have to step up and be the man that he raised me to be. I clean up the rest of the kitchen and walk back to my room sitting down on the bed. I lay back and take a deep breath embracing the silence.

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