Chapter 8

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{Niall's POV}

        Harry grabs his coat while I wait by the door for him. We've both had a lot of fun today and to be honest after the incident in school I'm glad that I was able to be alone with Harry. He's managed to make me feel better in a way that I'm not sure I can fully explain or even understand.

        "Ready to go?" he asks grabbing his car keys from the table. I nod and open the door walking out hearing  Harry close behind me. I walk to the car and wait for him to unlock the door so that I can get in. He unlocks the car and I open the door getting in. Harry walks towards the car and gets in.

        "Do you remember where I live?"

        "If I say yes I'm afraid that I'll sound like a stalker" he laughs and I shake my head.

        "No not at all."

        "Good because I do in fact remember where you live" he back out of the driveway turning down the street and drives off. "Today was fun"

        "It was, it didn't start off to great but not all good days do" I smile looking over at him. He nods and continues driving stopping at a red light. My phone rings and I answer it seeing that it's Zayn. "Hello?"

        "So you run off with your boyfriend and don't think to tell your best friend?" he says into the phone. I can't read his tone but I can only hope that he's not angry.

        "Zayn did you hear about anything that happened this morning?" I ask leaning my head against the window not wanting to have to explain it to him.

        "Yes I heard, I'm not mad at you, I just wish you would have told me something before you just up and disappear for the day"

        "I'm sorry, also don't call him that..."

        "Oh whatever we all know that you two are going to end up doing something before the school year ends. Why fight it now" he says and I roll my eyes looking over at Harry. Maybe he has a point.

        "I'll call you in a bit" I hang up the phone and set it in the cup holder. "Sorry about that"

        "Don't be we're almost at your place anyway" I look out the window seeing that we are about three minutes from my house and I start getting my things together. I can't lie and say that I am excited to be so close to home already. I was hoping to be able to talk to Harry a bit more before being dropped off but as we can see that's not going to work out in my favor.

        Harry stopped the car in the driveway of my house and I thanked him getting out of the car. I walked towards the door hearing the sound of the car door shutting behind me. I turned around seeing Harry walking towards me with his hands in his pockets. "Did I forget something?" I ask

        "Something like that" He says cupping my cheeks in his hands kissing me. To say that I was shocked was an understatement, but that didn't stop me from kissing him back. I took a small step back leaning against the door as Harry's hands pressed against it keeping me in place. I place my hands on his chest and push him back slightly. "Sorry, I needed to do that"

        "Goodnight Harry" I smile. He returns the smile and turns around walking towards his car. I open the door to my house walking inside and lean my head against the door. I bite my lip attempting to keep myself from smiling like the idiot I am.

        "Welcome home" I turn around seeing my dad sitting on the couch reading the paper from earlier today. I wave and drop my bag at the door walking past him running up to my room. I shut the door locking it and walk over to my bed laying down. I grab my pillow and scream into it. It was the only way to express how I was feeling at the moment.

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