Chapter 18

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{Niall's POV}

        I pushed Harry back attempting to get out of the car again. We had been sitting out in front of my house, snogging for about 20 minutes now. "I need to get in the house" I smile placing my hands on Harry's chest. He cups my face in his hands pulling me in again but this time I find the willpower and resist him. "No more, I have to go" 

        "Fine, I will see you tomorrow" he says and I nod kissing his cheek. I grab my bag getting out of the car and wave to him as I walk to the door. I pull my key out of my bag letting myself into the house. I walked in shutting the door behind me and smiled biting my lip softly. Today had been a good day. I couldn't seem to contain the butterflies in my stomach. I let out a small breath walking towards the steps walking up them. I looked down at my watch wondering where my dad could be. He should be home by now. 

        I shrugged it off going into my room, dropping my bag near the door. I walked over to my desk sitting down opening my lap top logging onto it. I went through my old documents reading some, and deleting others. I had asked Harry to email me some of the song we had started writing together because I had thought of other lyrics that I wanted to add to them. I logged into my email seeing that he had sent them and clicked it. I copied them, and then pasted them on a blank page,

Going out tonight
Changes into something red
Her mother doesn't like that kind of dress
Everything she never had she's showing off

Driving too fast
Moon is breaking through her hair
She's heading for something that she won't forget
Having no regrets is all that she really wants

        I read them over and over again in my head before adding onto it. I had been thinking of the lyrics for quite some time but I had just now decided that it was time to add them. 

We're only getting older, baby
And I've been thinking about it lately
Does it ever drive you crazy
Just out fast the night changes? 
Everything that you've ever dreamed of
Disappearing when you wake up
But there's nothing to be afraid of
Even when the night changes
It will never change me and you 

        I emailed the modified version back to Harry and shut my lap top once again. I got up from my desk walking over to my bed laying down on it. I wrapped the blankets around my shoulders and grabbed the remote turning on the TV.

        Tonight had been...perfect. 


        "Niall" I felt my dad shaking my shoulder and I groaned rolling over. He sat down on my bed and I turned my head looking up at him. "You have school get out of bed" 

        "I have an alarm for a reason" I said still trying to let myself fall back asleep

        "You tend to get rather angry with your alarm clock though. So I figured I should be the one waking you up. Now get out of bed and get ready before I drag you out" He stood up walking out of the room shutting the door. I shook my head sitting up in bed pushing the blankets off of me. I got out of the bed walking to the bathroom almost falling into the walls a few times from being so tired.  I went into the bathroom shutting the door behind me and got ready for the day. 

        Once I was done I walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist now feeling a bit more awake. I went into my room going to my closet pulling out a pair of jeans, and a blue and green top. I grabbed my boxers putting them on and then finished getting dressed. I grabbed my snap back placing it over my mess of hair. I grabbed my book bag walking out of the room going down the steps into the kitchen. 

        "Glad to see that you are awake and ready to start your day" My dad smiles handing me a bag and I roll my eyes putting it in my book bag. "Have a nice day son, I will be home a bit later but hopefully not to late. The football (soccer) game comes on tonight." 

         I nodded giving him a small hug before walking outside. I saw Harry's car in front of the house and I raised an eyebrow walking towards it. As I got closer he rolled down the window leaning over towards me. "Morning be dear" 

        "What are you doing here?" I asked opening the car door climbing in

        "Am I not allowed to want to drive my boyfriend to school" He smiled and I nodded. He started the car driving off. I leaned back in the seat feeling the wind blowing slightly and sighed out of bliss. "It's a rather nice day don't you think?" 

        "It is very" We sat in the car for a small amount of time before Harry pulled into the school parking lot. I looked around and then looked over at him. "Are you sure that you're ready to be back? Does your mom need you at home?" 

        He shook his head parking the car and we both got out.  Harry walked over grabbing my hand intertwining our fingers. He lifted my hand to his lips kissing the back of it and I smiled and pulled him towards the school doors. We walked in together and for some reason I felt as if everyone was looking at us. I didn't care though. I was more happy than I had been in a very long time. Harry walked me to my locker and he decided that he would go to his and meet me in home room. I opened my locker putting my bag in it and shut it seeing that Evan was walking towards me. He stopped by my locker but didn't say anything. 

        "Do you need something Evan?" 

        "I was wondering if you could help me study after school" he said biting the side of his lip a bit

        "What subject?" 


        "Uhm...I don't know I will get back to you on that one" He nods and walks past me. Why in the world would he want me to help him study? We don't speak very much but then again Evan doesn't seem like the type who speaks a lot to begin with. I walk towards homeroom and go inside sitting down at my desk waiting for the rest of the boys to come in. The first to join me is Zayn. He walks over sitting next to me and I immediately tell him what happened yesterday.

        "I'm really happy for you Ni, you two are perfect for each other" Zayn smiled and I thanked him. I looked up seeing Liam, Louis and Harry walking in. All of them lost in conversation. Harry looks over at me telling the boys to wait walking over to me kissing me quickly walking back to them. 

{Harry's POV} 

        "What was that?" Louis asked as I walked back over to them

        "A kiss? Have you never gotten one of those Lou?" I laugh as we walk to the back of the classroom sitting down. He rolls his eyes crossing his arms over his chest ignoring me. 

        "I think he meant to ask are you and Niall a thing now?" Liam interjects 

        "Well if you must know, yes we are. It all happened yesterday" After that I went into explaining how everything went down yesterday. Both the boys were beyond happy for me. They ended up running and attacking Niall accidentally scaring the living shit out of him. I shook my head at the idiots I called friends and looked around seeing that I was missing one of them. 

        Where in the hell was Will? 


Okay so this chapter is very short that's because I have a lot coming out and I'm trying to space it out properly. I don't want anything being rushed so some chapters may be shorter than others. Don't worry the next one may be longer. I'm hoping but it all depends. Enjoy this chapter babes.



Fan :) 

Kik: NiallerHoran99

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