The Aquarium incident

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One Beacon semester later...

Haruo, Roma and Hana are seen sitting in their dorm. Over the past month despite being forced to be together at all times. Haruo and Roma have gotten pretty close. Through their training, studying, and over all time together. The two have gotten to truly care for each other. The first month, Haruo's sisters would tease the two about being a couple, but eventually, the two did eventually develop feelings for one another.

And luckily the ship sailed....the two would secretly sneak out of Beacon and go on dates together. Although, even if they were secretive about it. Hana did notice them being awfully close together, and always being missing together.

Currently, Roma and Haruo were playing a game of chess, which they're both doing terribly at. While Hana on the other hand is drawing in her sketch pad, drawing the scene before her. Haruo was about to place down his own when...

Hana: So... how long have you two been dating?

Haruo placed the pawn so fast he hit the corner of the board causing it to flip.

Haruo/Roma: HAAA?!

Roma: W-We don't know what you're talking about!

Haruo: Yeah!

Hana: *giggles* You can't fool me you two. I know love when I see it. It's part of my Mothra side.

Harou and Roma sigh.

Harou: Please don't tell the others yet, Roma and I are planning on going to the aquarium later today. We want to at least do this before we would announce this.

Hana: Are you sure that's a good idea? Won't they recognize you Roma?

Roma: Why do you think I cut my hair? And with my casual clothes no one will recognize me unless they were actively looking for me.

Hana: Well, okay, when are you guys going?

Haruo: Well we're leaving ten minutes, so we could catch the bullhead.

Hana: Oh, that's why you guys stayed behind.

Roma: We thought you would go with the others...

Hana: What can I say? I'm not a big fan of superhero movies.

Haruo checks his scroll and stands up.

Haruo: I think we should get ready now, if we miss the bullhead, then I'll have to personally fly us there.

Roma: Alright, let me change real quick.

Roma gets up and goes to the bathroom carrying her set of clothes.

Hana: Well, I think our sisters should be done with the movie in a bit, so I'll go meet them there too.

Hana gets up and begins to head out of the room.

Haruo: Alright, be safe!

Hana: *giggles* I will! See you later!

Haruo chuckles before putting on his coat, as Roma gets out of the bathroom.

Roma: Ready Goldie?

Haruo smiles before grabbing her hand.


Haruo and Roma are seen in the aquarium. Haruo and Roma are currently looking at a fish tank, while eating some ice-cream, but well Haruo has some Ice dust sprinkled on the top.

Roma: I still have no clue how you could eat dust.

Haruo: It's part of a Kaiju's diet!

His smile was bright as he stared at the fish through the glass

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