New story ideas

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Please let me know which story you guys are intrested in.


This will be an AU of Remnants King, where the prophecy never existed. Kong would be based off a few of his incarnates, but it would be heavily inspired by the Monsterverse kong.

Kong is the close to the last of his kind as they were killed off by the skullcrawlers. One day, Ozpin gets a reading on an island showing high amounts of odd grimm activity. He sends a team to check out the island, team STRQ.

After completing their mission, they met Kong in his faunus form, he instantly befriends the team for protecting his people. Once he finished up their defences and has his cousin Gorge, a much shorter Albino kong, take care of the island, he leaves with Team STRQ. He stays with the team at Beacon and eventually falls in love with Raven, after a few months the two eventually brake up, however it wasn't on bad terms. A while later, he hooks up with Summer, somehow, it didn't turn out to be a one time thing.

Instead he continues to date her throughout summer's school years. Once it's over the two planned on marrying each other and settling down on the island of patch.

But, things don't always work out like we plan it. Ozpin calls Kong to to back to Skull island as the island began to go unstable. He promises Summer that he'll come back in a week. Weeks became months, months then became years. They all assumed he was dead. But once he finished he mission... he found out she had already moved on and given up her hope of seeing him again.

Angered, but not because of her for settling down with tail. However, instead for not coming back sooner. He went back to Skull island and stayed in his kaiju form slowing down his aging once again... before some helicopters arrived on the island.


Stranger things x Male OC

Michael Smith is a test subject of Hawkins lab along side 11, however, he isn't exactly in the same boat as her. He lives in the town of hawkins. Instead if being in the lab, his parents take care of him fully aware of his abilities. They take care if him, and study him if possible. So it's not as... torturous as it was to the rest of the kids.

With his powers being so extraordinary, it could almost be declared God like. With him being numbered 10, he is the physical connection between the upside down and our world. However, it comes with a price. His body is constantly in pain if his abilities are kept uncheck, and could cause his powers to go haywire. He's lucky his parents work at Hawkins lab and make him medication to help him with his problem.

He's best friends with Mike, Lucas, Dustin and Will. When Will goes missing, and he meets eleven, what will happen? Well your gonna want to read the story to find out.


So which story would you guys like to see?

Kong x rwby(I won't work on this till the GvK trailer comes out)

S.T. x OC (I will try to work on this along side the other two stories I'm currently working on, so expect slow updates(

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