Kara vs Crimson

524 13 4


Oscar: The bases will be guarded by the remaining forces, and the Jaguars. So each of you will have to take on one base.


The East shore of the Kingdom of Vale, a G-Force base is seen holding the fort by multiple Vale and Atlas bullheads and tanks. Crimson Typhoon activates and begins to activate its saw blades.

However, from the shore, Three row dull large dorsal plates are seen breaching the ocean surface.


The edge of Vacuo, boats and Bullheads are seen approaching. G-Force labeled bullheads, tanks, and Super X III are seen guarding the base, as suddenly a large hatch opens and begins to bring Coyote Tango out of the ground, and ready its shoulder cannons.

A loud roar is heard from the ocean, as three jagged rows of dorsal plates begin to rise. As well as plants beginning to grow in the harsh desert behind them.


Over in the clouds above the mountains of Atlas, two winged creatures are seen flying in the clouds.


Oscar: Since Hana and Haruo don't know how to transform. Faith will teach you two.


Faith, Hana, and Haruo are seen on the beach of Vale. General Winter, Oscar and the rest of the siblings watch from the shore.

The three are wearing simple swimsuits as they have half of their body in the water. And Haruo and Hana carrying a special dust crystal constantly shifting color

Faith: These dust crystals have the power of 200 dust crystals condensed into one. So this will give you both enough energy to transform. Now, there's one major component when transforming, you need to have a clear goal.

Faith's arms begin to glow.

Faith: When I first transformed, My goal was to make dad proud of me. For him to know I can protect Remnant. *her glow dies down* So... what's your goal?

Hana and Haruo look down at their crystals. The two think long and hard, Hana... she thinks about her mother and siblings... she remembers her mother teaching her what it means to be part Mothra... to protect the planet from great evil, to protect the innocent and help her family...

Haruo gets flashes of his father, his mothers, his siblings, the Kaijus that were like uncles and Aunts to him, and then Roma... his love. He wants to save them, to protect them, and stop whoever tries to harm them.

Their goal is to protect.

Hana and Haruo begin to glow, while Faith smiles at the two.


At the ruins of Mistral, a G-Force base is seen on top of the ruins. With Obsidian Fury and many military Vehicles guarding the base.

A large storm with blue flashes of lighting is seen approaching. As well as a heavy blizzard is making its way towards the base.


Oscar: With the help of Mosura and Behemoth, I know you can do it. Good luck... and save them all

Winter hugs her nephew and nieces.

Winter: Please... be careful.



The shore of East Vale, the dull dorsal plates break the surface if the ater as a loud roar is heard.

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