Chapter 4

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Kate's POV

The car ride has been long. I've spent 3 hours sitting in the car, looking out the window while listening to music. My legs are numb, yet again.

"How long will this take?" I ask, having enough of the screaming silence that begins to torture me.

"As long as it takes." Ricky replies, making me sigh in annoyance.

A couple of minutes pass by before Ricky suddenly gasps in what seems to be pain.

"Ricky, what's wrong?" Chris asks.

"Someone's here. I can feel it." Ricky says, his eyes still on the road.


Something suddenly screeches loudly beside the car.

I look out the window and see a big creature.

No, not a creature. A demon.

"Ricky!" I scream before the demon pushes the car hard, making it spin many times.

I close my eyes and hear tires screeching as well as glass breaking.

The car then comes to a stop, and we're upside down.

My head pounds and spins. I hang from the seat, the seat belt keeping me from falling.

I look around and see an unconscious Ricky bleeding.

"Kate." I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to see Ryan. "You okay?"

"I think so." I groan and feel a liquid run down the side of my head. I touch it and see blood on my fingertips.

"Chris! You alright?" Ryan call out to Chris.

"Yeah, but Ricky isn't." Chris says.

I unbuckle my seat belt and fall against the roof of the car.

"Ugh." I groan again as my head hits the car hard, making me dizzy again. I might have a concussion but I'm not worried about me right now.

Ryan and Chris do the same.

I try to crawl towards Ricky but I'm stopped as the demon tears open the door of my side.

I scream as it grabs my leg, it's claws digging into my skin and drawing blood.

"Kate! No!" Ryan yells as he grabs my hand.

"No! I can do this!" I yell and let go of his hand.

The demon drags me against the road, scraping several parts of my body.

A ball of fire lands on the demon's arm, letting me go.

"Kate! Don't! You're not ready for this!" Andy yells as he runs towards me, sword in hand.

"Watch me!" I yell and hold up my hand at the demon. It begins to turn into smoke, like the last one.

I look down at my arms to see the smoke fading into my skin, into my veins.

I frown as I feel my arms go numb as well as the rest of my body.

My knees give out and I fall back, a pair or arms catching me before my head could hit the ground.

My vision begins to blur, making me close my eyes. I hear voices but they become distant and muffled.

Hello darkness, good to see you again.


Andy's POV

"Kate!" I yell as I shake her once I gently place her on the ground. I roll up her sleeves and I look at her arms to see that her veins are black, making me frown.

The guys run towards me.

"What happened?" Ashley asks.

"I told her not to. She wasn't ready, her body wasn't ready." I whisper.

"Andy!" I hear Ryan yell.

I look up to see Ryan and Chris pulling Ricky out of the upside down car.

They pull him towards us.

He is covered in bruises, blood, and not to mention broken pieces of glass stabbed into his skin.

"Will both of them be okay?" Chris asks.

"Kate will. Ricky on the other hand, I don't know. It's a matter of time which by the way, we don't have much left." I say.

"Why isn't Ricky healing like he is supposed to? Isn't he a hybrid?" Josh asks.

"He's losing demon blood, the last of it that is supposed to make him heal." I reply.

"What will happen when he has none left?"

"I don't know. We need to think fast. I don't think Kate would like to wake up knowing that we couldn't save her brother." I sigh.

"What if we transfer blood from Kate to Ricky? I mean, they're related, connected, have the same blood." Chris suggests.

"Could it work?" Ashley asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Let's find out." I say.

I take out my pocket knife and slide the tip against Ricky's skin, creating a cut.

I then quickly poke Kate with the knife, creating a drop of her blood on the tip.

"Will it be enough?" Chris asks.

"Hopefully. Even one drop of Kate's blood is powerful. Well, it should be." I say.

I carefully lift the knife above Ricky's open wound and watch as the drop of blood falls into it.

I put the knife back in my pocket.

Everything stands still as everyone waits for something to happen.

The cut suddenly starts to close, the bruises and the rest of the wounds healing as well.

"Ricky?" I whisper.

His chest suddenly rises fast, his eyes flying open, revealing his hybrid eyes. The edge black, the middle blue, like Kate's.

His eyes then fade back into its original gray color.

He blinks many times before groaning.

"What happened?" He croaks out.

"Long story. You're taken care of, now it's Kate's turn."

"Kate?" He whispers. He turns his head and sees Kate beside him.

He sighs and slowly stands up.

"Are you okay?" Ryan asks, making him nod.

"If we encountered a demon in this road, there will be more ahead. We need to portal to Storybrooke." I say.

"And how can we do that?" Ricky asks.

"With this." Ashley says and shows us all the transparent bean in his hand.

"Now that I think about it, me and a couple of guys will stay behind, drive instead. Not all of us can go through the portal." Jinxx says.

"Sounds good," I reply. "And hey, Jinxx? Take good care of my baby." Baby meaning my car.

He rolls his eyes and chuckles. "Will do."

Jinxx, Jake, Cc, Vinny, Ghost and Ryan all walk towards the cars, getting in them and driving away.

Ricky gently picks Kate up onto his arms, her head resting on his shoulder.

"Ready?" Ashley asks.

I look at Ricky. He nods.

He throws the bean on the ground, making the ground open, blue smoke coming out of it.

"On 3!" Ashley yells as the wind hit us all, the portal getting bigger. "1,2,3!"

We all jump and through the portal we go. Or should I say, through the rabbit hole towards Wonderland.




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