Chapter 12

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Ricky's POV

The guys and I head back to the woods where Nick will find us. We've done so much walking in these damn woods that I don't see the end of it.

"I'm sorry." I mumble to Andy, who's walking right next to me.

"For what?" He asks, clearly enjoying this. I turn to look at him to see a ghost of a grin across his face.

"For punching you and getting angry."

"Well, I appreciate the apology which I find quite amusing. But, it's not me you need to apologize to." He replies.

I know what he means. Kate. She is the one I'm supposed to apologize to. Not only for letting her go and keeping the Lainey secret from her, but also for ever dragging her into this mess in the first place. Even though Kate was bound to live her life like this, I was supposed to protect her. Now, who knows where she is. Hopefully, not in the hands of Lilith.

"You're right." I whisper.

"Don't worry, Nick will help us get her back." He says.

"Why do you want her to come back to me?" I asks, frowning.

"I'm not doing it for you." He whispers.

I stop walking, realizing what I hadn't seen all along. Andy has feelings for Kate. Who saw that coming?

I chuckle, shaking my head. "You have feelings for her."

He stops and turns to look at me over his shoulder. "Don't worry, she made it quite clear she wants nothing to do with me in Storybrooke when I kissed her."

"You what?!" I yell.

As he is about to say something, lightning suddenly strikes the ground between Andy and I, making us stumble back. Blue smoke starts surrounding the spot the lightning struck.

Soon enough, the smoke fades and Nick appears. I sigh in relief to see him. I don't think I could last another hour not knowing if Kate is okay or not.

"Quite an entrance you made there." Andy says.

Nick chuckles. "Always nice to make an impression, right?" He replies. He looks at me. "Hey Rick."

"Hey." I reply. "Did you really find us that fast?"

"It wasn't hard considering Ash keeps her crystal ball around. So, should we get to it?" He asks.

I nod. The guys gather around Nick.

"I'm sure you've heard this before, but if more than one person jumps through a portal, all have to think about the destination. If one person isn't thinking about it, it can complicate things. Now, shall we all think about Storybrooke?" He says. We nod. "Alright. Step back." He instructs, which we do. He holds out his hands in front of him and with a movement of his hands, a portal starts to open on the ground.

In a matter of seconds, the portal is fully opened up.

"On the count of three. One, two, three!" Nick yells and at the same time, we all jump and through the portal we go.

In a blink of an eye and in a blur, we land on the ground and the portal closes.

I look all around us to see that we have landed in the forest, like we did last time we were here with Kate.

"Lets go." I say and start to run, not bothering to wait for the guys. I make my way out of the forest and towards the town.

"Ricky wait up!" I hear Chris yell behind me.

I ignore him and keep running until I find myself standing infront of Mr.Gold's shop, or as we all know him, Rumplestiltskin.

The guys soon catch up. I inhale deeply and turn the door knob, pushing it open, the little bell ringing as we step inside.

The Other Side (BOOK 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz