Chapter 15

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Ricky's POV

I don't bother protesting to that. If Kate doesn't have have her heart, it will explain why she has been acting strange and it will be my job to get it back, before it's too late.

"How do we find her?"

"Leave that up to me." I say and make blue haze surround me, taking me to where Kate is.

She's sitting against a tree, her face buried in her arms that are placed on her knees.

"Kate.." I whisper.

She looks up, tear stains on her cheeks.

"Stay away from me." She gasps. "I'll hurt you."

"That won't stop me." I say. I kneel down slowly beside her. "Kate, when you were little, you were the one that needed to get away from me. I had to let go of the love of my life because of that."

"You were saved, I won't be." She replies, sobbing harder.

"I nearly didn't and at one point, I was thinking of leaving you to keep you safe, but I remember you told me something that made me rethink my destiny. You were little, you had no idea what was going on really and yet you said the right thing at the right time." I take away her vision and make her see the memory.

"Ricky, calm down." Chris says as he tried to cool off my anger.

"You know that I can't!" I yell and clench my hands into fists.

"Hey, have faith. Don't doubt the power of destiny-"

"Bullshit. How much time do I have left before the darkness completely takes over and the monster is finally unleashed from its cage?"

Suddenly, the anger takes over, completely.

I punch the wall hard, making a hole in it, almost making the entire wall shake.

"Ricky?" A small voice says behind me.

I turn around and see Kate standing in the middle of the doorway.

Her small, innocent face looks up at me.

"Sweetie, go back to bed." I say softly.

She steps towards me.

"I'm not scared of the dark, so I'm not scared of you." She mumbles.

I kneel down to face her. Her gray eyes shining at me. She smiles.

"If your sister believes in you, why can't you believe in yourself?" Chris asks.

Kate wraps her arms around my neck.

I hesitate before hugging her small, fragile form back.

"I want to stay with you forever." Kate says.

We pull away. Kate yawns and rubs her eyes.

"Come on, lets get you back to bed." I say and lift her up in my arms, her head resting on my shoulder.

I walk into her room and gently place her on the bed, covering her with the bed covers.

I place a gentle kiss on her forehead before leaving the room, shutting the door behind me.

"I think I might know who to get help from." I tell Chris.

"And who is that?"

I look at him. "Rumplestiltskin."

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