Chapter Thirty Two- Sam

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    Rona was waiting for the three of them in the same room as I had talked with her earlier in the day. "Take a seat." She told us. We obliged. "I'm planning an attack on the Allegiance." She said bluntly. "Now that you three have been there and have inside intelligence on the layout of their home base, I brought you in here to ask you questions about what the layout looks like."

"Woah woah woah," I said putting my hands up, "what do you mean attack?"

"I mean, we plan on sending in an army to capture and kill as many Allegiance members we can." Rona said.

"Rona, you can't do that." Margo said, "there are a lot of innocent people there, not just soldiers or high ranking people but families, workers, doctors."

"This is war Margaret. People die." Rona told her.

"No." I slammed my fist on the table. "I'm not helping you send an army to kill Kayla. Not happening." Charlie and Margo nodded in agreement. Rona sighed. She sat in silence and stared at the three of us.

"We could try to send in a rescue team." She finally said. "It would take awhile to plan out, assuming the girl is still alive. It would be extremely dangerous and most likely fail, but I am willing to give it a try."

"I'll go in." I told her. I wasn't going to leave Kayla behind.

"I'll come too, I should be healed by then." Margo said. I raised my eyes surprised that she would be willing to risk her own life for Kayla. She nodded at me.

"I guess I'm in too." Charlie mumbled, although he didn't seem too passionate about it. Rona looked at the three of us.

"Fine, but you're bringing Lions." Rona told us.

"But mom, the more people we have the more dangerous it is, besides we don't need his help." Margo said.

"Mom?" I asked her. Margo ignored my question.

"I'm not sending you three in alone Margaret." Rona told her. Margo huffed and grabbed her crutches and walked out. Rona, Charlie, and I awkwardly stared at each other until Rona dismissed us. I found Margo sitting under a old apple tree, that was completely dried up. I told Charlie I would catch up with him later and took a seat next to Margo.

"Is anything you told me about yourself true?" I asked her recalling how she told me she volunteered for the army to help her family. Instead she turned out to be a rebel and her mom was one of the rebel leaders.

"Sam, I couldn't tell you the truth, I was at the base for a secret mission. It took me months, almost a year to even convince my mom to let me go. Her and I.. we haven't always gotten along. I just don't want her to hold me back when I can help." She turned towards me. "It's my fault Sam, that Kayla didn't make it out with us. If I hadn't taken so long to reach the exit, we would have left before anyone even knew. Now I have to fix what I did."

"It's not your fault Margo. I should have stayed behind. I should have been the one to shoot the lock." I told her. The two of us sat in silence for what felt like eternity.

"We are going to get her out." Margo finally said. "She's going to finally have a chance to be with her family," she squeezed my hand, "her real family."

   Over the next month Margo, Charlie, and I trained harder than we had ever had before. Margo recovered from her gun shot room with surprising speed. Lions, one of the senior officers at the Rebels camp trained the three of them every single day morning til night. The Gilman's on the other hand had volunteered to create a plan for our rescue group to get Kayla out. Margo had saved the map of the base she found, and gave it to them. I was worried, however, that Rona might take the map, and use it for her own agenda. Theresa and Adam assured me they would not let it out of their sight.

   At the end of the month, Theresa and Adam told Margo, Lions, Charlie, and I their plan. The six of us sat around a campfire as they spoke.

"Their is an air vent on the western side of the base, and is accessible through the surface. The only problem is that the four of you can only access the air vent through the water vent, which circulates water at an incredible speed. You will have to turn of the water vent, which can only be done by turning off the power to the entire base." Theresa started. Immediately I saw trouble in the plan.

"How the hell are we suppose to do that?" I interrupted.

"With this." Adam said, lifting up a tiny piece of metal that looked like a flash drive. "This device has the ability to turn off any electrical currency in a fifty mile diameter, but only for one minute." I took the tiny devise from his hand and inspected it.

"Then what?" Margo asked.

"Once you get through the water vent, the four of you will have to discover where Kayla is. She could be anywhere in the Base, unfortunately we have no way of knowing." Theresa said "That's where the tricky part comes in. If you four are able to track her whereabouts, then you must exit the same way you came in. Which is why we made two of these." She pulled out another one of the tiny devices.

"Once you have retrieved her, meet us back at the same train station we went too the first time we left the base. There we will be able to meet up with you." Adam finished.

"Well that sounds incredibly simple." Lions sarcastically said.

"It's obviously going to be a very dangerous and difficult mission." Adam said. "But you guys cannot fail." It was more a plead than a request. The poor man looked like he had gotten no sleep since we made it to the camp. I'm sure the mixtures of the years of torture he and his wife endured along with his worry about Kayla was enough to make anyone lose sleep.

"When do we go?" Charlie said.

"You leave tomorrow." Rona said making us all jump. She had snuck up on us. "We can't wait any longer. Too much of my troops blood has been shed over this war. I need to finish this. If you four fail, you will not get another chance."

"No pressure." I mumbled into my hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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