Chapter Six- Sam

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   After Kayla stormed out during dinner. The mood seemed a lot icier. Margo profusely apologized to the General.

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't know that would upset her I-" the General put his hand up.

"Not your fault Private Willis. I suggest you all head back to you dorms and get a good night sleep." That was a nice way of telling us to get out. We thanked him and saluted the three officers as we left.

"Well," Margo said on the way back to our dorms. "That went well. Two points for me for guessing that she was an Officers daughter, would have never guessed the General's though." She laughed to herself.

"Why do you think he didn't tell her about the ball?" I asked, "I mean I would probably be pretty upset if I was never allowed to go."

"Yeah I don't know that was kind of odd." Margo agreed.

"I'm just pissed I didn't get some dessert, you couldn't of waited to talk about the ball until after we were served?" Charlie said elbowing Margo.

"God Charlie do you ever think about something other than your stomach?" She said.

"Yeah, when I'm thinking about sex." He said and gave her a wink. He laughed as she rolled her eyes.

    When the three of us finally got back to the dorms, I was ready to pass out. My body was once again sore from the days strenuous activities and I wondered if my body would ever stop feeling so tired. I thought about Kayla again. She had avoided eye contact with me at dinner, probably because she knew we had caught her in a lie. She had looked so beautiful in that dress. The way the back was opened that exposed her beautiful soft tan skin. She had red lipstick on that had made her teeth appear even more white. Her hair was curled in perfect ringlets. It took everything in me not to reach out and hold her.

Finally, dreams over took my thoughts and I fell asleep. I dreamt about the man and woman in the jail cell. In my dream they both were holding my wrists and screaming at me to save them and to free them. I woke up the next morning in a puddle of sweat.

"God Sam you okay? You looked like you just ran a marathon." Charlie said while staring at me upside down from his top bunk.

"Yeah man I'm fine." I said while dragging myself out of bed and getting ready for the long day. I was pleasantly surprised to find out though that today, instead of PT, we were practicing gun control and shooting. My dad taught me how to shoot a gun when I was about nine or ten. He told me that it was important to know how to defend myself in the world we lived in.

   Sargent Redwall taught everyone the safety procedures. When we were ready he allowed us to shoot. I got bullseye every time.

"Damn Sam, your pretty good at this." Charlie said as I shot.

"Lots of practice." I told him. To my left, Margo was having a little trouble. She had yet to hit the target.

"COME ON PRIVATE WILLIS YOU'RE KILLING ME HERE, HIT THE DAMN TARGET" Sargent Redwall yelled in her ears, which I'm sure wasn't helping her much.

"Yes sir!" She squeaked nervously. Her next shot was about two feet short of the target.

"That's it-" Sargent Redwall grabbed her arm and pulled her from off the ground. "If you're going to sit down there and shoot the fucking ground then you shouldn't shoot at all, go run the track until I say stop." Margo looked like she was going to cry, but she obeyed his command. Unfortunately for Margo, Sargent didn't say stop until lunch time rolled around. The poor girl could barely walk once we headed towards the cafeteria.

"You alright?" I asked her as we all sat down in are usual spots. Today's lunch was meat lovers surprise. I didn't even want to know what was in it.

"Yeah I'm fine." She said while pulling a piece of hair out of her lunch. "I just hate being that shitty at something."

"Hey it's alright," I patted her back to comfort her "I could help you practice." I told her. Her eyes lit up.

"You would do that?" She asked

"Of course, what are friends for?" I smiled. Before she answered I heard someone cough behind me. I turned around and was once again face to face with Lieutenant Streeter. I stood up to salute him.

"The General would like to speak with you," he paused "again."

"Oh Um okay sir." I glanced nervously at my friends then followed the lieutenant once again back to the Generals office. Like the first time, I knocked on the door.

"Come in." He said and once again I entered and greeted him with the usual salute. "I hate to interrupt your lunch Private Watts, I understand being a a Private you don't have many breaks but I have a favor to ask you of." He looked up from his desk and saw that I was still saluting him. "Oh put your arm down you silly boy, sit." I obliged.

"What favor do you need General?" I asked confused as to what I —a Private— could do that no one else could.

"As you're well aware, certainly after last night at least, that we are having our annual ball this upcoming Saturday night."

"Yes sir." I said while remember the disaster that broke out over dinner the night before.

"Well Private Watts, I was wondering if you would be willing to bring Kayla to the ball?" He said while staring me dead in the eyes. I couldn't tell if he was being serious or not, but by the tone, I think he was.

"You want me to bring your daughter to the ball?" I repeated just to make sure I was hearing him correctly.

"I know you may have had someone else in mind, but if you haven't already asked someone else I was hoping you could bring her. You see, she's really upset with me after finding out last night that she's never had the chance to go to one, and I want her to go with someone I trust." He paused "and well, your parents were such respectable soldiers, it only seems right that you are too." He paused and waited for me to answer.

"Oh um, of course sir,  it would be an honor to accompany her." I said, which was true.

"Thank you, you are really saving my skin here." He smiled

"Oh it's no problem at all sir." I smiled back.

"Oh one more thing," he said as he stood up to walk me out, "don't tell her I asked you to ask her."

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