Chapter Four- Sam

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   As I laid my head on my pillow, my body sore from the evening PT, I thought about my interaction with Kayla. She had completely lied about who she was to all three of them. I had decided not to say anything after that, because she must have had a good reason to do so. Nevertheless, she was easily the most breathtaking person I had ever seen.

  After I said goodbye to Kayla, Margo had some few choice words:

"There's no way that girl is just a cook in a kitchen." I had met Margo at lunch earlier that same day. She told me she had to join the war, because her family had ran out of money, and that they needed the money they would be compensated with if someone in their family had joined up. It was kind of sad that she had to be the sacrificial lame of the family, but she put on a strong face.

"Why is that Margo?" I said wondering if she knew who Kayla was too.

"Did you see her hands? No calluses, marks, or scars. That girl hasn't worked a day in her life." Before I could answer Charlie spoke up.

"How could you be staring at her hands when she had the face of an angel, easily the hottest girl I've ever seen." I couldn't disagree with him on that.

"Charlie you are so gross, she was average at best. My guess is, she's some officer's daughter." Margo snipped at him.

"Whatever you say Margo." Charlie laughed. I didn't say anything.


"Oh great." I murmured. I turned around and was met face to face with Sargent Redwall. "Yes sir?" I asked. The Sargent looked at me then at Charlie and Margo.

"You three seem like you're up to no good."

"Just on our way back to the dorms like you told us too sir." He eyeballed me and then put his hand on the back of my neck.

"THEN WHY ARE YOU WALKING SO GODDAMN SLOW!" He then proceeded to make the three of us perform pushups for five minutes. Got to love the military.

   The next morning was the same as the day before, screaming from Sargent Redwall, more exercise, more screaming, more exercise. I was slightly disappointed that Kayla didn't come down for dinner again. She probably hadn't been too impressed with her experience the night before, as the food was bland and the cafeteria was obnoxiously loud.

"The ball is coming up." Margo said while playing with her mash potatoes. Yes the ball, every month the base held a dance where everyone was invited, it was the usual guys ask girls. It was the only time of the month where we had a night of fun, dancing, and partying.

"Sure is." I said. I hadn't really thought about who I was going to ask. The truth is, the only person I think I would want to go with was Kayla.

"Who are you going to ask?" Margo said staring at me. She had dark brown eyes, that seemed to stare into my soul.

"Umm not sure yet, how about you Charlie." I said quickly diverting the attention. Charlie, who was using his napkin to make some sort of origami swan, grunted.

"Oh I don't know man, all the bitches around here are whack." I put my face in my hand to keep from laughing at Margo's now infuriated face. She huffed then got up and threw her food in the trash and left. "Was it something I said?" Charlie asked, finally looking up.  

"Eh she'll get over it." I said as I  played with the ring on my finger that my grandmother gifted me before I left. It was my dads wedding ring. He had left it behind the last time he was deployed. He said he didn't want to lose it. He never had to chance to put it back on.

    After dinner, Sargent said we could all have some free time. I was able to get Charlie to apologize to Margo for earlier, and it sounded sincere enough.

   After Charlie's half hearted apology, the three of then decided that we wanted to explore the base, because we hadn't been anywhere other than the cafeteria or the training facility. I was a little worried to do so however, because I was still shaken up over my experience in the dungeon. I had neglected to tell Charlie and Margo about what had happened. I had a feeling that dungeon wasn't really common knowledge around here. I still couldn't shake the image of the man and woman's bloodied faces.

    The three of us first walked around the second floor, which hosted many of the officers rooms and offices. Eventually we found our way to the other cafeteria. The one that Kayla "supposedly" worked at.

Margo grabbed the handle of the door and was about to pull it until I grabbed her wrist.
"We probably shouldn't go in there Margo it's high ranking officers only." She shook of my grip and smiled.

"Don't be scared Sam, dinner was like an hour ago I doubt anyone is in there. Besides, your guy's little friend might be working." She gave me a wink and went in anyways.

"She's going to get us in trouble Charlie-" I said, but he was already walking in behind her muttering something about pudding. I rubbed my face with my hands and walked in behind them. I wished I hadn't.

Sitting at a table, all dressed to the nines, was the General, Lieutenant Streeter, another officer who I hadn't met yet, and Kayla.

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